Hey folks. A long, long time ago I forged a map on foundry called Fail Valley International Speedway. It was a simple oval, fun to race, but too short to make use of the Racetracks gametype. Anyway, with Sandbox released and an entire new palette of forge features available I thought I'd have a second crack at an oval racetrack. Thus, Fail Sands Speedway was born : My good friend Puppy was kind enough to make this short introductory video to Fail Sands International Speedway. Thanks puppy!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTcohpxYRu8 Fail Sands features four right angle corners on a banked, perfectly smooth racetrack. The inside of each corner features aggressive curbing to make cutting the corner more difficult. All eight mongooses (mongeese) spawn in their own 'pit box' with staggered spawns - meaning the person starting in first place takes the longest time to get to their goose and out onto the track. The track also features four spectator boxes accessible via a teleporter near the pits. These allow for anyone not participating in the racing to watch the action from 'camera-like' positions. Fails Sands comes in two versions - one with the customary teleporter/grav lift arrangement at the finish line (Special version) and one without (Speed version). I personally found that the 'gate' is very detrimental to the overall feeling of speed especially on such a short map. Of course, it is up to you to decide which one to use but both will be made available for download. Myself and everyone who I have played it with have found it to be an extremely enjoyable map to race on. It may not be difficult, technical of challenging but it's riot to play this with a full party of eight - everyone of whom thinks it is their right to lead into the first corner! Fail Sands Stats : Lap Length : 265 metres (approx) Lap Time - Ungated (mongoose) : 12 seconds (approx) Lap Time - Gated (mongoose) : 13 seconds (approx) Suggested gametype : Racetracks Suggested number of laps : 10 (sprint - approx 2 minutes), 50 (endurance - approx 10 minutes) Suggested players : 1-8 (the more the merrier!) Download Links : Fail Sands Speed (Ungated) Fail Sands Special (Gated) Thanks to Puppy and Papa Cap X for a large amount of advice and assistance and thank you to the (too many to name) racers who helped me perfect it. Go out there and race, and keep on forging!! A very brief sidenote : I am well aware that this track is 'easy' and 'boring' in your opinion. Commenting as such in not welcome! Thanks for checking out my map and I hope you enjoy it. Penguin.
That is absolutely amazing in design and architecture! This map looks pretty good for a race, even though its oval! Most maps are'nt even close to the design of this thing! This map looks extremely fun to play on dude, I'm gonna download it and see how it is when it comes gameplay!
Pros: Unbelievable forging skills. The nice merging of the track, the aesthetics of it, jus wow. The nice oval shape of it gives it an awesome feeling that you are in a championship race or something. The spectators boxes are also nice touches. Looking forward to seeing more race maps from you in the future. Cons: None.
This is extremely nice. I like how it takes aesthetic design and racetracks and smashes them together. The interlocking looks great. No complaints. Its wide enough that you won't smash into eachother at ever corner. No complaints 5/5.
I totally agree with this guy here. Looks like a fantastic map. Even something as simple as an oval and you managed to turn it into something worth downloading? INsane-sick-nasty. Good work, dling right now!
WOW!!!! I saw this and my first thought was "indianapolis speedway"???? It looks just like it. It also looks like a horse racing track as well as design goes. I can see many hours of fun in this map. I will be downloading because this map is just insane!!! Feature now!! 5/5 no cons whatsoever! Thanks for taking something simple and making it strategic! I will see how well this works as well as (IRL) racing goes, And see if you take the inside of a turn, It will make you round the corner quicker than roundig the outide... Thank you for this map And Keep making more!
CWL this looks like one of them olympic bike racetracks and the wooden floor suits it OWMG WTF BBQ first person on forgehub with a brain finaly a map worth the scred honor of my harddrive grats dude hope it gets fetured
pretty good for a race map but very well done for an oval racetrack... I have seen many oval racetracks by now becuase ANF knight makes alot of them although he doesn't post them here lol. The interlocking looks really nice and it looks smooth and fun... although since it is only an oval I can't really give you anything on creativity lol other than the boxed although I like stands better =) 4/5
This is a very good racetrack. It looks smooth and it lokks like a actual racetrack in real life. I like it that u made the racetrack be slanted and the interlocking is awesome. This is a very nice map. Nice job. But one thing I don't really like where u get your mongoose but the mongooses can't be in the way so nice job.
The layout isn't exactly completely original, but god this map is sweet, I was planning on doing an oval shaped track, but decided it would be ****, you've just proved me wrong, the aesthetics on this map are awesome, it looks like you payed alot of attention to detail here.
Great looking map. I love the speedway race maps, they're a good change from the normal 'twisty' tracks. This track is built to near perfection and the pit area was extremely well done. I also like how you put in the spectator area as well.
I agree with Clash. This has nice interlocking and a smooth track. I like the oval design. Looks fun to play can't wait to try it out. DL from me.
Wow fantastic job. You managed to cross an amazingly smooth and symmetrical racetrack with an incredible artistic map. You obviously put a great deal of effort forth in making this map and I'm downloading this map right now. The only thing as mentioned would be uneven starting points but I foresee some crazy game type racing matches on this map for shure. Nice work!
pure exelence. the map is forged to an amazing standard and the asthetics are brilliant. one of the best racemaps ive seen. maybe include a picture of the spawns?
lve this map its really cool looking but could you take a picture of the towers and send it to me? i want to pot it in my architecture forums. im also going to post the radio tower with a light on it in the forum to only if it is ok with you though.
DUDE! WOW! AMAZING! SWEET! this is something awesome man you did a great job on this map, but you dont need to have me say it. lol but yeah man keep up the good work.
nice map! i like the way you turned a simple oval racetrack into a beautifully designed track! 5/5! way to go!
I remember the first one, and I thought that was the best race map ever at the time. Then people made stuff like Accelerator, and I forgot about it. Now you've come back, to kill all these complicated racetracks with utter simplicity. 5/5 P.S.: You once again killed my hopeless desire to make a track like this. No one can best this. Thanks a lot xD
Wow, thanks for all the positive comments, folks. Those few of you who asked for more pics I'll do what I can to provide them - probably tomorrow. As for the spawns, they go something like this : | | | | | |_|-|`| | | |_|-|`| | | | |-|`| | | | | | | ----> ----> ----> So that the guys with the biggest 'positional' advantage takes the longest to get to his 'goose. There's no easy way to make everyone start at the same time and make it through the first corner on four wheels, unfortunately - and if there was it'd probably force me to build some kind of floating platform as someone suggested - which certainly would ruin the feel of the map. As for the aesthetic qualities which a lot of people seem to like - mostly accident or luck, honest truth. I originally had the red and blue lights just floating in a similar area when I decided 'hey, those look like lights - what would look the most like lights!? radio antennas!!'. Again, the upside down half walls on the corners? 'What looks the most like one of those mesh fences around a track!?'. As to the simplicity of the track - the sad truth is that I am not an amazing forger, merely a competent one with a lot of patience. I don't think I COULD pull off one of those true 'sky' tracks even if I wanted to. And the truth of the matter is that unless you're racing in a party full of racing pros most people are going to struggle to finish more than a few laps of many of the tracks I've seen so far - as spectacular as they appear. So while I have nothing against those maps I feel that my map perfectly accommodates the entire spectrum of racers - those who play just for fun and those who play 'for serious'. Err, I think I'm done. A bit of a ramble, lots of posts to reply to! Thanks again to everyone who replied. I'll aim to get the pictures requested by some done tomorrow and I'll certainly do my best to answer any questions about my map. Lastly, thank you to the forge community for their continuing work on excellent racetracks. I'll also take a very brief moment to thank the makers of the two maps which inspired me to put on my forging hat again for this project - AnF Knight for Paramount and ShaddoBlade for Cherry Kiss - still the one to beat in my opinion. Thanks again everyone! Penguin.
Thanks for explaining the spawns. That was a good idea to make them farther from the mongoose if you are closer to the front. I also really like the use of wedges on the side. It seems like it would help you to not run into the side barriers and also encourages the racers to not go completely inside on the turns. This is a good remake of your other popular map and definately fixes up the problems with the Foundry one. Good job.