I created this map based on map of grubish360, because I would like Granede Warz could be played by people who do not have the mythic maps of halo wars or who do not want to buy the mythical maps at launch, then I created the map based on Granede Warz. Sorry for not having photos of the map Map : Halo 3 File Details Game mode : Halo 3 File Details
Here at forgehub you need to have a t least one pic embed. This means that at least one of your pics must be visible to us without having to click on a link. To find a guide on how to post pictures please click the link in my signature below my pic. I would like to note that you only have 24 hours before a moderator will be forced to lock the map. Also, most posts include a detailed description. Please try to edit your post soon. I will come back and look at rhe map once it has pictures. Not to sound like a noob, but try to get your pictures correct for the next map because most people won't be quite as nice as me. Chow! Warning- No one post a bout the lack of pictures in this map or he or she will be given an infraction because of spam. He has been warned, no need to keep reminfing him.
It doesn't matter how sorry you are that you don't have piccs...you can't post until you have them...and like ExploreTheGore said, a moderator is going to remove this map P.S. You spelt Grenade wrong :l P.S.S. Nobody is going to dl w/out pics...