Hello forgehub members, I need to know a second option I have donwloaded sketchup but my computer wont load it, Now I need something that I could use to help me understand my idea's as well as sketch up does. Paint doesn't work, and drawing on paper is 3d or very understandable, so I need to know what you guys use so I might beable to give it a shot.
...pardon? Drawing on paper is 3D or very understandable? Well draw on paper then! Seriously, read through your post before clicking submit. I can tak a guess at what your saying but it would be so much easier if you just used English (as opposed to one of the many variations lurking about the Internet) in the first place. Google Sketchup not working: whats your computer like? Can you run games on it? If so, Sketchup should work too, you've probably just done something wrong during installation. MS Paint not working: Good, as an long time GIMP user I have developed a hatred for the simplicity of MS Paint. Paper: You can't even draw a rectangle? Thats all you need to do! Nearly all shapes on Foundry and Sandbox are squares and rectangles! You don't need to draw in 3D, just do a birds eye view of each level. Tip: Use a ruler. I refuse to believe you cannot draw a rectangle, I don't want to believe there are people who can't even do that (its bad enough that you resorted to MS Paint before pen and paper)
Hey, he helped, which is more than a lot of members would resort to. And he's right, too; paper is a fantastic tool, and if you put the effort into it, it's pretty much perfect for what you might want to do.
aanyway... I dunno how to use Sketchup even though I have it, so I shunned it in luer of pen and paper in boring lessons at college. Seriously though, if you can't draw, go to the Sketchup components thread and get help installing it there. It should run on even the worst computer.
This. Graph paper + an economics lecture from some old lady who speaks so softly and with such a heavy accent that I haven't once understood her = I have several good drawings.
lolz. Anyway, I usually carry a small notebook with me, and a pencil. 'cause I'm artistic and such. But when I have an idea for a map, I sketch the floor plan down, and when I come home, I either fire up Sketchup, or fire up forge first. If I fire up sketchup, it's cause I know the floor plan is pretty much what I want, if I fire up Forge, it's to quickly check the sizes of some blocks, and what I'll need to do to make the map. I usually don't finish these maps, though I have about 7 unfinished Sandbox maps, and 2 Foundry ones (deleted those already). Yay! My point is, though, don't resort to just one option. Pen and paper is DEFINATELY the best option for rough sketches and ideas, and if you have millimeter paper, and have the proportions of the sandbox blocks at hand, that's all you need. But try Sketchup. It's always better to see your design in 3D before you build it, so you know what difficulties you might face. In 2D, that's far too easy to overlook.