Another Desktop Background... or the beginning of one at least. First Version: Spoiler This is far from finished, but I thought I'd post it here to see what parts you guys like and don't like. I'm pretty happy with the main elements, but there's definitely a lot left to do. Oh, and what's a better word to be bursting through? Or is another 'transparent' good enough? Also, as always, Cosmic Rick does not condone the use of cocaine!
Looks good, interesting. The shards of glass over the E seem confusing and unnecessary, I'd try it without em' and see how it looks. The animal that seems to be sewn into the background is nice, but you could try to smudge the edges of a bit so it blends more well.
I would say you might want to lose the bevel effect on the bottom. The bevel is a bit.. Hmm... 90's The kangaroo in the background is pretty gangsta though.
Alright... Much closer to completion now. Edited into OP. Kangaroo, huh? That's what my girlfriend thought, too. I didn't see it until you all pointed it out. It was random, but I was seeing a stylized little man with bent elbow... Unfortunately, the bevel is necessary for the glassy look I'm going for. But at least I did a sweet displacement map on the images beneath the bevel.
Ah the bevel looks much better now that there is something other than the rainbow color on that "transparency." I saw a Banshee flying towards me at first but the object on the starboard wing changed the ambiguous stimuli into the kangaroo. I play too much Halo...
My own personal opinion is that the text along the bottom does not suit the image at all. It just seems out of place. However, the rest of the composition is lovely.
[sarcasm]Then you have clearly grasped the message of the piece.[/sarcasm] And Text, I agree. But, since I had zero direction for myself at the beginning of the build, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.