Brute's in Multiplayer

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by urban destroyer, May 3, 2009.

  1. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Not trying to seem rude or anything but have you ever made a video game?

    It is difficult. Having to do all that re-coding for the game would take hours, They would have to do an enormous update for the game.

    I don't think they should be in multiplayer anyway, They have no specific armors like Spartans and Elites, Except for the ones in campaign which aren't that different to each other anyway.
  2. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    actualy there are quite a few differant armors; brute chieftan#1 & #2, Brute stalker, bryte honor guard (look it up on Halo wiki. just type in brute armor and you can find a list of all the possible armor variants for the brutes.
  3. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Not trying to seem rude but you do know that it is their job? Right? You ever have a job?

    Also, it isn't that difficult, all the base code is there, they just need to change a couple of settings and Brutes are in multiplayer.

    That said, Brutes suck and are the worst thing to happen to Halo. Put them in if people really want it but I'm not going to use it.
  4. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    There's code for AI controlled Brutes, with one single armor permutation. If Brutes were going to be added to multiplayer...
    -They would have to create new models for every armor permutation
    -They would have to shrink the models down to fit the standard size of elites and spartans
    -They would have to create new animations for running, jumping, picking up all the weapons, using a turret, using all the weapons, getting in vehicles, getting OUT of vehicles, hijacking vehicles, crouching, crouch-walking, using equipment, using grenades, sword lunging, etc...
    -They would then have to do all those animations over again, for every armor permutation

    Their basic job is to make video games, not cater to the whims of their clueless fans.
  5. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    lol, their job is to entertain the people who buy their games. If the fans want Brute models, they'll put it in. Still can't understand why anyone would want to play as a Brute though.
  6. Vandal

    Vandal Ancient
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    To be honest, Brute would never be played. Even though Bungie supposedly compensated for Elite characters in Halo 3, You never see them outside of Swat or Team Snipers really. What we should be putting in is ODST or Marines....and silenced SMG...mwuahahah
  7. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i'd personaly like them to put in a jakal. I know it sounds stupid but think of it this way, they could make it so the jakals would start out with those plasma shields. after they die the player could pick them up. there wouldn't hardly be any armor for them but they could have a perk (CoD4 style!) thiers would be that they have a slightly guided head shot when ever they zoom in and aim at the head (seeing as jakals are the Covie. snipers...)

    EDIT: i actualy just want the damn shield....I could see a cool new variant called knights (a remake of my current version.) i alsowould like to see the sword as being dual wieldable (only two swords.) i'd make the shield as a secondary weapon so if you werefighting an enemy you could have a shield on with two (for an example) SMGs. to block you'd simply press B. But wait some of you think, isn't that melee? yes it is, you wouldn't melee with thwe shield in hand(acept for the sword.) And you might also be thinking, how would we drop our second gun? all that you'd do is use the Y button.
    #27 mavrick145, May 6, 2009
    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  8. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    But the goal is profit. 2 years after the launch of Halo 3, they're not going to convince many more people to buy it with the addition of brutes in multiplayer. Yes, the DLC could be paid, but they would have to charge a ridiculous amount of money to compensate for the amount of work they'd put into it. In the end it wouldn't be worth it from a business perspective. From the entertainment perspective, it might be fun for a little bit but it wouldn't add as much entertainment as a new map pack, which in comparison would be easy to make.
  9. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Oh, you have no idea.

    Expoits would arise. Animations would look bad. Glitches would form. And the dreaded BXR would return once again. Bungie aren't funded by Microsoft anymore either so they're not going to throw money away like this. It will earn them no profit, even if they charged people for it as a DLC pack.
  10. R0flCh0pter

    R0flCh0pter Ancient
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    Well if in ODST they added some kind of new multiplayer mode where one team was made up of 1 person as Master Chief and the rest of the team ODST troopers and the other team Covenant Brutes and Jackals that could maybe be interesting but Bungie will never add it strictly to the standard multiplayer its never gonna happen.
  11. sp4zmaster

    sp4zmaster Ancient
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    Think about it this way. It would look pretty stupid to see a brute crouching or sword lunging or many other things that spartans/elites do.
  12. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    it also looks stupid to see an elite with a BR or an AR.
  13. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    To be honest, I don't understand why people want more armour permutations. The ones that Bungie included on the disk are already awesome, you're promised at least Recon Armour with Halo 3: ODST so there is a "new" armour for some, and I would rather new maps over new armour any day because they don't effect how the game plays. New Environments > New Armour
    #33 Speed-e-cake, May 18, 2009
    Last edited: May 18, 2009
  14. Killer Tangerine

    Senior Member

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    Brutes? That would be highly unlikely. Especially with the Brutes physical traits and the fact that there enemies in the Halo plot. Plus just stop complaining and like what Bungie gave you.
  15. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i eraly don't care if they put in any new units, my only care is if they add the jakal shield to the weapons armory of halo3!
  16. D R A N C Y

    D R A N C Y Ancient
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    ya that would be really cool, it would probably **** up the gameplay though, maybe if they added it just to forge like the sentinel beam and the fuel rod gun.
  17. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    yeah, if they put shields in they shound make them wieldable with the sword. i'd call the gametype Knights.

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