Sooooo, heyheyhey I am Muse. Though, according to him, most of you will know me as~~~(drumrollplzkthx) Kidbomber's girlfriend! o: Teehee. Well, I admit that I am a total dork, gamer, crazy chick. x] Whatever you want to call me, I'm still the same delightfully creepy girl! <3 My interests include poetry, music, anime, manga, Zelda, Burnout, and other things. Maybe if you get to know my I'll tell you more about myself. Oh, and if you must know, I am a total klutz. Gravity is my mortal enemy. D:< I will win this war!! Rawr!!! Well anyway, before I rant too much, hallo all! The Muse is here.
Present to me your breasts or please remove yourself form the premises. jk Ohai welcome to Jesusland.
Hi, welcome to Forgehub. Since Kidbombers your BF, I'm sure he's 'splained the rules to you. However, just in case. Follow the rules or be thrown into the giant pit that blots out the sunlight that's located conveniently in the center of town. No, I'm not talking about the movie "300". It's just vaguely reminiscent of the movie. No worries though, just randomness coming from a tired brain. Yet again, welcome to forgehub, try and stay a while. Enjoy the view and I wouldn't touch the cacti, they're poisonous.
....looooool. Welcome, n stuff. Now you get 10x the attention of every other new member because your a girl. Enjoy.
Ohai thar! yo Kidbomber, so i herd u liek Amber so we put Amber on FH so you could talk to Amber while ur on FH. Yeaaaaaah. Welcome to Forgehub.
Hallo all! I feel very welcome here! <3 Thank you for the warm welcome. *group hug* *without Kidbomber* *tackles everyone*
Every time an Introduction has more than one page to it, 9 times out of 10 is because the OP is a girl. Funny/sad. Welcome aboard, hope you don't mind the pre-pubescent ramblings that constantly take place here.