My Basic Guildelines to Making a Competetive Map: -Very few spawns should be placed -An insane amount of power weapons should be placed pretty close together -Set powerups at 30 second respawn -Armories are a MUST! -Objectives should be placed at the wrong bases. -Power weapons should have very short respawn times(maybe even instant respawn) -There should be little-to-no cover -Place a lot of Teleporters all on the same channel From Callum -Place half those receiver nodes in a kill ball and forget that coordinating respawn stuff make it perfectly even by putting half of each bases spawns to each team and a few neutrals in the mix as well. I also would seriously suggest making a hole with a shield door on top to trap players and stop others from killing them. Also make sure all guns are at full clips and a few respawns are out of the map or even off a cliff. BR's and carbines are also for nubs never put them in a map unless you have to but make sure they never spawn. Edit: HOW COULD YOU FORGET To ADD NOVA TO ALL MAPS ISNT THAT THE NUMBER ONE RULE I also like to have a Hornet not transport of course and a tank in one base and 4 mongooses at the other to keep it even. From x Encounter x: -Don't forget to mention that you should use jump-ups instead of ramps. Jump-ups make the gameplay a lot smoother and make the map look more professional and competitive. Also mention that you should place at least 90% of the grenades available on your map. More grenades = more competitiveness. You also forgot to mention that all CQC weapons like the shotgun, sword, and mauler need to be placed in either small rooms or tight hallways. Sharp corners are an added bonus.