Lava Hop (2-4 players) The object of this game is to stay afloat the pallets/other debris so you can continue earning points. Using either a sniper rifle or a beam rifle, shoot the floors that your opponents are standing on to make them fall into the lava! After 20 seconds, the volcano will ERUPT. Debris will shoot through the floor, changing the terrain around you. It will continue to do so at random for as long as the game lasts. Scoring: To score, stand in the designated hill marker. For each second, you get Five points. To win, you must reach 100 points by the end of the round. There are Three rounds. So to win, you need 300 points. Think you can handle that? Side Notes: You do high amounts of damage, but opponents are Invulnerable. This enables a one-shot pallet break to make em fall to their doom!(Think of your gun as more of a tool in this game) Try to assassinate, along with shooting their floor to temporarily take them out of the game! You have unlimited ammo, so get trigger-happy! <Download Lava Hop Map> <Download Lava Hop Game Variant> Here is what the arena looks like before eruption: Here's what the whole thing looks like from far away: Here's a couple action shots!
This is one of the most awesome minigames that i have ever seen. It is also the most intuitive and thought up minigame here at forgehub. I like how simple it is, but it still seems to lack something...i really don't know what, but it just seems to. Well i don't know, but it is still an amazing map and idea. I'm downloading now and going to rate it 4.5/5
This is what we call spam at forgehub. The link in my sig will explain all there is to know about spam to posting maps. Basically, you actually have to say something intelligent, and not just saying; "Nice merging, a download from me." It actually has to be a thought up post
At first when I saw this, I thought it would be a jumping map on the skybubble (The floor is lava, has anyone ever played that when they were a little kid?). This looks pretty fun, it looks like it would be a blast with a couple people. It looks pretty solid, there's no way to get out and you can't cheat. Pretty original, good job 4.5/5
This map looks good for once I'll let a juicy killball combo slide. I know this will be a good thing to play when I'm trying to build up a larger party for some mini game action. This for some reasone reminds me of the Sky High on Blastoff game and map. I know this will be some crazy fun and I'm interested to see what the lava spews.
Very good, its Termites with a twist... And may i ask how you manage to make the volcanoe "explode"? Looks pretty solid and fun 3/5 since its not too original
Its simple really, destructible objects spawn in a hole with mancannons, and theres killballs in there that immediatly destroy it, so it yields instant flying debris......I've never heard of this Termites thing you speak of, as far as I know this map is original.
This looks like the game where you are on pallets and the infected Spartan lasers the pallet to make you fall. Good job using the kill ball as a good aspect in the map unlike most maps with the kill ball. Really fun to play. 4.5/5
No no, you do high amounts of damage, but players are Invulnerable. You can either assassinate or make them fall by one shot to a pallet. I'll go and edit what I said, apparently I used the wrong wording for that. Sorry
Wow this map looks really unique. I made a similar one on foundry, but it couldn't work because of lack of a kill ball. This is a great idea and looks like lots of fun. It could get old, though. Maybe some different floors would be cool. Like eventually the area moves up a level, and your climbing up the steps, while at risk of falling. I don't know. Just an idea! =) I'll definatly check it out, though. 4/5
nice, i actually like this mini game. its pretty good that you cant shoot any other player, but have a sniper/beam rifle. It be cool to extend the "lava" farther out to get a, well large lava pit, if you used all of the deathballs and thats as far as it can go, srry, doesnt look as big as you can get it. great idea, i dont exactually know if its original, but, its a good idea, great job
He said you cant shoot your opponent as in if you do they wont get damaged. The Damage is normal but players are invulnerable. If damage was 0% you couldn't shoot out the floors.
I think the one hit pallet break with the speed you can shoot and multiple people would break the floor to fast. Maybe you should consider a different weapon or something. Still a great map though, I do like the look and feel of it.
Hm, it is simple and the aesthetics look fantastic. It's also one of those ideas like Bull Dome or the Burger Grill, which we need more of. It's a download for me, but I do recommend making at least one more floor. Maybe the zombie dude with a sniper starts out on a higher level and tries to "push" the other people down to the bottom. The floor(s) beneath could spawn at maybe 60 seconds so that the zombie has time to push. Otherwise, the zombie will have to break through 2 layers of pallets to kill people, and that could get ugly. Maybe, however, you can have headshots only for the zombie/VIP/whatever the hell that guy is. Not many people can no-scope well without luck, and people waiting around to plan their jump won't have as much time. EDIT: never mind, I realize you can not do this with the limited number of pallets.
This seems very origional. i haven't seen its like before and the astetics are very nice. this looks like it would be fun for up to the four people but then it looks like it would get pretty crouded. a good game to pass time waiting for a bigger party. my input for adding on to this map would not be a second floor but a bigger floor for more people. and maybe some solid flooring in the volcano that don't break but that you can't score on to shoot from and wait out the eruptions. just an idea
I see what you're saying, and thought of that ahead of time. I set the run-time minimum of pallets to 13 out of 16, that way there can be a few pallets that were tossed away intact, and some that were shot out. within 10 seconds, the ones that were shot return.
Yeah I see what you're saying about making a bigger floor area, making some flooring solid and not pallet-like. The only problem with this is the debris cannot enter the room through the floor in these regions, and thus less action inside the room.
Great map i didnt like the idea for shooting the pallets so i removed that, i did however keep the eruptions i hope i see this in best mini games spring 2009
Neat map, darkastic. how about making the KOTH spawn points go in different places like in mid air, to one side of the map etc. Also it may be possible to spawn camp with assassinations while another player holds the hill. You can try putting on a fx, might make it cooler. Chow!