Sandbox Salvation

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by superduper66, May 7, 2009.

  1. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
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    Map Description: Structures such as these are havens for the doomed. 8-12 players.

    This map made it into the Bungie vs. the World Playlist and the 7 on the 7th playlist for August.

    Download Salvation here:


    Inside the Base
    Red Base
    Blue Base
    Back of Bases

    Central Hill

    About Your Map
    Salvation is a large scale map on Sandbox's standard floor. The two bases at either end and the central Tunnel/Hill serve as the main features of the map. Each of the bases were built to be open and unprotected, save for two turrets and some walls to hide behind. There is a "safe haven" for players on the lowere level of the bases, a safeplace for players to spawn in case carnage gets too great outside. The central area is designed to give the map some geometry and elevation, and so players can have a safer, less open path between bases. The map is symmetrical in design, but is changed around a little for aysmmetric gametypes for a little diversity. People who have playtested have said that this map is ver well put together and plays nicely.
    The weapon layout is like this:

    Weapon List:
    2 Brute Shots (60 sec)
    4 SMGs (30 sec)
    4 Assault Rifles (30 sec)
    6 Battle Rifles (30 sec) + 4 Battle Rifles (10 sec)
    4 Covenant Carbines (30 sec)
    2 Machine Gun Turrets (150 sec)
    2 Missile Pods (120 sec)
    1 Rocket launcher (180 sec)
    2 Maulers (90 sec)

    2 Regenerators (120 sec)
    2 Bubble Shields (120 sec, Asymmetric Only)
    10 Plasma Grenades (30 sec)
    2 Frag Grenades (30 sec)
    2 Power Drains (120 sec)
    2 Active Camos (180 sec, Defending Team's Camo is Symmetric-only)
    1 Overshield (180 sec, Asymmetric only for Defending Team)

    Salvation is a Symmetrical Map that supports Asymmetric and Symmetric Gametypes. It supports 8-12 players. Due to the layout of the map, any more players could possibly become too crowed. Any less... well... wouldn't be very fun. There are two Warthogs, four Mongeese, two Banshees (symmetric), and one Chopper (aysmmetric).
    The Warthogs serve as the traditional transport/defense/offense vehicle for larger maps. Used for assisting in capturing objectives, killing, etc. Mongeese added for quick transportation around the map.
    Banshees added for a "Valhalla Effect". Added for a diversity in vehicles. Also, I felt that the map is large enough and open enough for the Banshees to be useful, but not over-powering. They appear only in Symmetric games. The Chopper is only available in Asymmetric games for the Defending Team, to give them an added defense against the Attacking Team. Standard Gametypes I recommend for Salvation would be:
    +Team Slayer or BRs
    +Multi Flag CTF or One Flag CTF
    +Neutral Assault or One Bomb
    +Standard VIP works fine as well

    Not Supported/Recommended:
    +King of the Hill variants


    Multi Flag CTF
    Neutral Assault
    Team Slayer
    Playtests w/o Shield Doors:
    +Neutral Assault
    +1 Flag CTF

    Link to Atlas Thread:
    Atlas Thread

    Download Salvation
    #1 superduper66, May 7, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2009
  2. CookieMan

    CookieMan Ancient
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    Interlocking would do wonders for your map. Banshees make the map a little unbalanced. Also, try to make the name of the map have something to do with the map.

    Overall? 4.5/5
    Not much can be improved!
  3. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    the one thing i am worried about is the sheild doors on the 7th pic there could be a a lot of camping in slayer and maybe team slayer what is your thoughts about that room
  4. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
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    I made a version without shield doors because i think the map plays well with, or without them personally. If you get the time, check out some of the playtests and you will see some gameplay with and without them.

    Ah, i get this alot on Atlas. The Banshees look like the can be controlling, but there is a lot of cover and also many ways to take them down. Each team starts with a missile pod as well, so that at least can counter initial Banshee onslaughts

    Also, the name of the map is reflecting what the map is. The map description states that it is a safe haven for the doomed, hence the title. There are these structures in the middle of the desert that are a safe place for people to go, basically
    #4 superduper66, May 7, 2009
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  5. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    map looks great i like the basement and the tunnel, i think u should take out the banshees and the missile pods or put like 1 missile pod in the middle of the map because it looks like its starting to get to much powerful things on it, i would also take out 2 of the Machine Gun Turrets (i could only see 2 in the pics so i dont no) and make the other 2 faceing a wall so people have to pull them off to use them and then they would have ammo. other than that the map looks awesome good job.
  6. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
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    The turrets are actually not as powerful as you think. Same with the Banshees. I've done several gameplay tests with this map and neither were overpowering at all. trust me. Play some customs on 4v4 on here and you will see. There is a lot of cover.

    The Turret is in the line of sight of everyone, meaning that the user can easily be BRd, stuck, rocketed, missile podded, Bansheed, Warthogged, or even assasinated. And when the player decides to take out the turret and go out and use it, the can easily be killed because of the slow manuevering of the Turret.

    The Banshee isn't at all too powerful. You know why? well there are several cover points that protect from aerial domination, including the Rocket/Camo Coves, the Tunnel, and the bases. Splattering becomes very inconvenient because of all the stone structures. They can easily be highjacked. Also, because the map is so small, the Banshee doesn't have a lot of area to cover, therefore making it an easier target because it has to slow down in order to platter or shoot. Also, there are several power weapons like the rocket, missile pods, power drains, stickies, brute shots, and turrets that can kiil them. Not to mention the enemy Banshee or warthog.

    The pictures can't explain wh the turrets or Banshees re there, but gameplay sure does. Just download the videos, or even better, play it yourself and you will see :)

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