The Spanish Flu killed 50 million people, I think it's ok to take it like a big deal, because you never know. It could turn out killing 50 million people...
Nobodies actually sure the Spanish flu killed people. There were reports that infected people healed and then got sick the next day. Something else entirely killed them. And the way the Swine Flu works is that it makes your imune system go overboard. It tires itself out. And I agree, this is just fear mongering at this point.
All though "swine flu" seems very serious, it's not. I've had actually and didn't even know. Seriously i have. But to tell you the truth, regular Influenza is worse. This is a new virus which is why people are panicking. H1N1 will eventually become avian flu and disappear. (hopefully) Most people live, the only confirmed death in the US was of a 23 month year old toddler. Weak immune system. Mexicans don't live in the best of conditions which is why they die more often. So don't panic, stay clean and hopefully we can avoid a serious threat. The media tends to over-blow things.
Your "map" is such bullshit. There are NO confirmed deaths in Alaska, nor any confirmed cases of N1H1, I know, I live there. And plus every hour the news says so. Quit spreading fear because that is all you are doing! Request this thread be closed.
No, don't close the thread, I wrote that the maps are misleading on the front page, you seemed to have not read that part. Also, this H1N1 Virus has spread all over the U.S and is growing everyday, that is what the second map is for, to keep you informed of which states are infected. If you looked at the second map you would have realized that Alaska is clean. First map is for countries, and second map is for States. EDIT: The Infection has spread to Florida, where I live, in my County! Oh god, this is weird and scary... EDITx2: I've improved the OT. Hopefully to avoid more confusion.
I'm not saying that this couldn't get worse, but, really, this stupid. Way overblown. Probably just going turn into the Bird Flu. Soooo I say we all buy bacon! Help the pig industry!
I dunno it does not seem that bad to me really, the media has just sensationalized this so much everyone gets scared and starts making ridiculous comparisons to the Black Death and the Spanish flu. There is no use in panicking just stay clean and enjoy life, don't listen to the crap the media tries to tell you about their so called "epidemics", the media thrives off scare tactics making everything seem deadlier than it really is, honestly I highly doubt this will go far.
You should learn to read... I put other maps to avoid this problem, this is the only map I could get that showed infected countries, yes it's inaccurate, which is why I posted a map of the U.S and it's state right underneath it!
The Associated Press: Swine flu resistance testing to grow after US case Something new has popped up.
A bunch of kids in TN have swine flu. I think its something like 200 cases, all in the same city. They went to church camp together.