Foundry Exodus

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Solo, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Exodus - Download
    Manufactured by Solo and JEEF

    Background: It began when Sethiroth, Kronic Smoke, TKS Monster and I all sat in a party laying down ideas for our new installment of Foundry masterpieces. Little did we know the bunch would dwindle down to just Kronic and me, joined shortly after by Jeff who became the second full time forger. Jeff and I continued to forge while Kronic chose to step back from the reigns and function as moral support. The map spanned over a three month time period from start to finish, and I estimate the build time to be somewhere from 150-200 hours. Exodus is the product of the minds of many and even through my many hissy fits and disagreements with everyone this map was a blast to bring to life.

    Description: Exodus is a symmetrical 2-base arena. Although it is just this, it's Midship inspired geometry is a fresh breath of air from the cookie-cutter Onslaught layout. The fast paced game play and easily maneuverable layout is where Exodus shines. As with my previous maps, I tried to integrate as many ramps and levels into the design and avoid using jump-ups. While in the testing period it was very noticeable that the map's initial flow benefited from this decision. With a positive mind, precision forging and a kick in the ass from peers looking over this project, birth was given to our newest child, Exodus. Enjoy this lightning fast hellhole. :)

    Weapon Set:
    • Battle Rifle (4)
    • Carbine (2)
    • Plasma Grenade (4)
    Supported MLG Gametypes:
    • Team Slayer
    • Neutral Bomb
    • Capture the Flag
    Give me screenshots DUDE!

    Top middle overview:


    Blue Base Front:

    Inside Blue Base, notice mancannon lift under base:

    Showing transition between base and Pink tower:

    Pink Tower:

    Pink Tower Ramp:


    Inside Carbine side:

    Additional Stuff!: Special thanks to all of the testers and friends who watched this map's progress from start to finish. We love you all. :)
    #1 Solo, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2009
  2. Sethiroth87

    Sethiroth87 Ancient
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    Hey this map blows.

    Just kidding on a serious note. This is completely different from what we originaly started but its great to see you continued with it.

    With that being said if people like this map i cant wait for them to see the new map me and you are going to work on
  3. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Im a bit curious on the name of choice? I don't see much departure-ing happening here, but back to business. The interlocking in this map is flawless so far as I can tell, excluding the second picture on how the single box is stacked on top of the double box. That would look nicer if it was fixed. I understand that you wanted to leave the top layer bare and without cover for obvious reasons, but even then some small wedge would be nice. Even if it isn't large enough to crough behind.
    MLG maps have always seem to catch my eyes, and this one hasn't failed. I'm not completely sure on this but did you place the mancannon under ground? If so, than great job, that must've been a huge hassle. Love the crane merge.
  4. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Jeff suggested it when we started building. I liked it, we rolled with it. :)
  5. providence

    providence Ancient
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    this map is AMAZING! i witnessed this map in the making, i made sure that the sides of the map were properley BLOCKED OFF. this map has good game play ( i was forced to play ) but thats ok becuase WHOEVER made this did an amazing job ;-) good job SOLO! ... and jeef >.> LOOKING FORWARD TO WHATS NEXT
  6. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    I like it. this map was well done and the geomerging and interlocking were flawless as far as i can see. The bases remind me a little of lockdown (not a bad thing). the only suggestion for a v2 i have is in the back carbine, making ways to get up on top from the sides besides the stairs. some sort of jump up. dunno just my opinion.
  7. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    The first two pictures seem like a hybrid of MLG Lockdown and MLG Onslaught. You paid a great amount of attention to detail here.

    I'm curious that there isn't at least one power weapon present on Exodus. Also, I give a round of applause to both of you. JEEF, you are an excellent forger and I think your maps deserve more attention. Make a Sandbox map!

    I especially like the sides of this map. The way it takes its shape and gives such a great feeling in addition to the game play. Overall nice map. Great job.
  8. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    There is a jump-up from the bases to C3 before the open boxes. The bases are raised allowing the jump from the main floor of the base. It's much easier on 110% speed.
  9. Blazeinator

    Blazeinator Ancient
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    It's a pretty decent mlg map. 4/5 I think that top mid needs a bit more cover and probably a couple jump ups, not just walk ins from the side. Also, the floor needs a few pieces of cover.
  10. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    well, i started out really enjoying this map, but the bridge at the top seams a little too open and barren, as well as much other portions of the map. dont get me wrong however, open space is crucial to a great map, but this one sort of dissapointed me. im sorry. it still deserves a 5/5, but over all i hoped for a bit more. plus you stole the name i was going for for months! >:O
  11. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    The amount of items on Foundry did not allow for any substance top mid. We actually had to extract walls from it and slim it down to add to other parts of the map. It was pretty much ass.

    Thank you, though.
  12. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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  13. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Well I really think you might want to add a Br or 2 to the weapon set.The map is very well merged and well interlocked.But I recomend that you add a little mor asethics.Good job overall.
  14. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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  15. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    Theres pretty much nothing they can do, they used up almost every useful object that foundry has to offer. Also this map is over budget a little bit so adding more to it wouldnt be a good idea since MLG doesnt really like it when maps are over budget.

    Now considering this was made on foundry i think Solo and Jeef did an outstanding job, sure this map doesnt have all the crazy geos that their others do but MLG isnt about that, its about gameplay which by the way is great on this map.

    Overall the forging is top notch, the gameplay is topnotch, and these two forgers deserve a hell of a lot more recognition on this site. I think its time they get a feature. It really frustrates me when masterpieces like this get pushed down the page by maps that took less than ten hours to make and are just clones of ons, amp, or lockdown.
  16. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    that makes two of us,

    anyway, if you would of went on the map (forge or gameplay) you should recognize that: there are many geo's, including the ones at top pink/pacman tower, bottom base, and the crane. also the whole map should be an aesthetic. im not contradicting hezbolla, but the quote which he commented on. this map took endless hours and should only be critized if one only has thought well about what he says.
  17. providence

    providence Ancient
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    has anyone played this map and replyed yet ? i will be the fisrt and i will be happy to say that after playing this map almost all day with some buds we came to the realization that this map is redic, and you all need to DL it :)
  18. liphttam1

    liphttam1 Ancient
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    I would add more wepons. Just because its MLG doesn't mean theres no wepons. I understand budget is gone. Just well... not enough wepons.
    #18 liphttam1, May 7, 2009
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  19. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Thank's, Providence. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    And to the man insisting on more weapons: I can't imagine this map suffers from lack of weapons. I've played it hundreds of times and the weapon set is irrelevant to Exodus' playstyle due to it's fast paced nature. If anything, it's lack of cover top-middle; which is what the people who played the map previously were saying.
    #19 Solo, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  20. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    have you played the map, if so you would know that there is enough weapons to support a good amount of ammo if needed. plus our weapon set is very similar to lockdown, so go spam up there thread.

    also stating that the map has no budget only supports my arguement by saying you only saw this in forge.

    any ways thanks for commenting gameplay and good SPELLING

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