Hi peeps. This is my first post on Forgehub, so any feedback is wanted. My map today is called SWATbox. Description: In this map, there are 2 bases, 4 corridors, 4 ramps, and a centerpiece. The centerpiece in the middle is where you want to be. This is my new version with no camping in the corners of the centerpipece. The corridors and ramps help the team stuck on the lower level attack the team on the upper level from all sides and overwhelm them. Each base is 2 storys high with a flag and bomb platform. Works with team SWAT, SWAT CTF, SWAT assault, and SWAT territories. (there is a roof throughout the actual map. I just deleted it to give you a better point of view in the pics) Here are some pics... [/URL] Main overview of the map, couldn't get a better look of the entire thing because it is in the crypt. [/URL] The centerpiece, with some equipment in the center. [/URL] The blue walkway, the red is identical. Notice the ramps leading up to the centerpiece. [/URL] One of the 4 ramps leading up to the Centerpiece. The tube ramp cover is only effective by the players coming up the ramp [/URL] The red base, the blue base is identical. The raised platform is where the bomb and flag spawns. Well, I hope you liked it! Download SWATboxDownload Team SWAT
the map looks like it could work well. i will download. just one tip about the post, put more information about the weapons and equipment on the map rather than just saying "some equipment in the center". but on the whole it is a good first post. well done 7/10
Anyone else who has noticed that the link does not work may click these: File Gametype It looks very cleanly forged, and I like that you've included plenty of room to maneuver with some nice, long hallways; it's much more playable than Tundra where you were unlikely to survive for more than a few seconds and the opportunity for teamwork was rare. Please check your posts to make sure that there aren't extra HTML tags lying around and that everything works.
"the map looks like it could work well. i will download. just one tip about the post, put more information about the weapons and equipment on the map rather than just saying "some equipment in the center". but on the whole it is a good first post. well done" (Prodigious 7K) Sorry bout that peeps. Thanks for reminding me Prodigious. Ill give you the weapons list right now, it's very simple. In the center, there's one bubble shield, deployable cover, flare, and trip mine in the center by the upside down stone platform.
You can see the equpiment, its a trip mine, a deployable cover, a bubble shield and a flare, All of which are not ever used in swat but thats alright. Your concept of anti-camping corners is awesome, since SWAT is my favorite gametype i will give this a DL.
I just made the equipment on the centerpiece so players want to be there. I know a trip mine isn't very useful, but when I tested it with a few friends when there was no equipment, the people on the bottom had a huge advantage because of the cover being only usable by the people coming up from the bottom. The equipment evens this out and forces the team on the bottom to stragegize more. I think I spelled stragegize wrong lol
Well, it looks better than Tundra. But then again, Tundra doesn't set the standards too high. The centerpiece looks cool and blends well with the rest of the map. You may want to raise the walls by each team's walkway so that people can't jump off of a teammate's head and get into there. Another thing I would suggest that you do, this may just be me being nitpicky, is merge those lights into something. It gives off a nice glow and makes the light less blinding. Rating: Aesthetics:4/5 Gameplay:N/A Overall:N/A (I'll have to get back to you on the gameplay, as I haven't played a game on this yet...)
Looks real cleanly forged, no real bumps or anything, but I'll test and maybe post later about gameplay.
Come on man. Read the whole post. There is a ceiling on top of the whole thing. And about the lights, yes, they are merged into the ceiling. Oh yeah i just noticed. look hard at the left ramp on the 2nd picture. The ramp is there in the actual map. just an accident when deleting ceiling for pics
No posts in a while. Is this map bad? Please post and tell me if you like it or not. I need all the feedback I can get. Sorry for the double post.
looks good, looks like gameplay isbalanced. also shows that you don't need geomerging or interlocking to make a good map
Thanks Eculic. Meanwhile i am working on a new SWAT map based in a mall and it will be called Deserted. I hope to get done with it very soon. it will be kindo like SWATbox V2 but only a whole different layout.
It does look very clean, but your pictures don't do it much justice. I don't really get a feel for the lay out. Do you have more screenshots?
Thanks Nosirrom. I just added a picture of the best overvierw in the crypt I could get. It should show the general layout of the map, if you have a hard time understanding it, I will draw up a picture of the overview myself. So let me know if you need or want me to do that.
850 Views!!!!!!!!!!! OMG Thanks peeps i had no idea that so many people would like my map. THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS PS. I hit the object limit halfway through deserted so i have came up with a new idea.... Da-dadada! AIR FORCE ONE! if anyone's seen the movie with Harrison Ford i tried to my best ability to recreate that in plans. I have finished my Grid paper sketch, but we'el have to see how it works on halo...
Hey peeps! almost 1000 views! keep it up! (i want 1000 views sooo bad because i want to brag to my friend that mine got 1000 views b4 his did lol) Wow. Just wow. I know im milking a dead cow (lol) but i never wouldve expected this map to be popular thanks again.
Wow for a first post this is pretty good some things you could change but good job on ur first post!!