Sandbox Monolith

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Dantheburger, May 7, 2009.

  1. Dantheburger

    Dantheburger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by Phantom Airwave/Dantheburger

    Supported Gametypes:
    Team Slayer, Team King, Team Oddball, Territories (V2 Only)

    Map Description
    This is my first posted map on Forge Hub and it's a 5v5/4v4 built on Sandbox. It's also sort of Vanilla Sandboxish and as my first map and as I'm new to map making I'm looking forward to Critical Opinion. I tried to use interlocking but I didn't think it a necessity. The Weapons on the map are as follows:
    12 Battle Rifles
    4 Smgs
    2 Snipers (1 Spare Clip each)
    2 Maulers (No Spare Clips)
    2 Needlers (1 Spare Clip Each)
    1 Rocket Launcher (No Spare Clips, Longer Re-spawn)
    10 Plasma Grenades
    2 Plasma Pistols
    2 Warthogs
    2 Mongeese(?)

    Not Much else to say really.

    Red Spawn and Vehicles

    Blue Spawn

    Top of the Monolith and Rocket Spawn

    Overview of Monolith with Blue Spawn

    One side of Monolith (Other side is the Same)

    Needler Spawn and Mini Bridge

    V2 Territory 4 Spawn and Territory 1 Under the Bridge

    V2 Updated Monolith Top and Territory 5

    V2 Updated Red Base

    V2 Updated Blue Base

    Leave me Feedback Please!

    Download Monolith v1
    Download Monolith v2
    #1 Dantheburger, May 7, 2009
    Last edited: May 10, 2009
  2. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    for your first map, this is actually pretty good, its good to see you took the time to actually interlock, something rare in most first maps on forgehub. When it comes to the actual map, it seems decent, theres really nothing too groundbreaking, but its a decent map
  3. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Good first posts. I like how you did the red and blue bases with the ramps. I also like when you implemented the interlocking so well. I also like the centrals structure look. 4/5
  4. Dantheburger

    Dantheburger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow... I'm surprised at the speed at which people reply. Thanks for your kind words, I decided to make use of interlocking because I knew how to do it and i wanted my first map to go off with a bang. The Bases interlocking was easy and only took about 5 mins each.
  5. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Nice first post. Your map is very good. There might be a few too many plasma nades, and I would but one vehicle on each side of the base unless you have a reason not to ( 1 rocket = Two enemy vehicles) Other than those small things not too much too add, your line of sights are good weapon placement fair, overall nice work. Oh you might want to elaborate on the bases a bit though I can't see your spawn points but your bases lack a little cover and I could see spawn killing becoming an issue. Again good first post!
    #5 Canadians360, May 7, 2009
    Last edited: May 8, 2009
  6. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    First off, very well done for your first map. The map holds its symmetry and you filled up the space pretty well without the "clutter" impression. Couple things:

    1) I would probably have put a map like this in competitive maps. Your map seems to suggest only battle style games. Besides, your post completely follows competitive posting regulations

    2) I'm not sure about random floating objects. I like what you did with the teleporter, how it seems to "hold" up a box, but the large box in the middle just seems odd to me... But again, its just me.

    3) Your bases are aesthetically sound. Now let's make them competitively useful. You don't have to change them if you prefer, but the bases provide no real cover, its just one big obstruction. All you can really do with them is walk around it and blow your horns on the seventh day ;). But no really, I would prefer something slightly more elaborate.

    But overall... this is fantastic for a start. I'm really looking forward to what you can do. Keep it up.
    #6 Bootsie 22, May 7, 2009
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  7. ZzZagrebZz

    ZzZagrebZz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good map...but it needs a gametype because this looks like something that would go in the competative section here on forgehub..I love the map though = ]
  8. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good first post. Way to follow procedures. You may want to edit your post and add a "[" at the beginning of the post to get the BBCode for size to work correctly.

    Map looks well forged for your first one. Hopefully we'll see something larger scale from you soon.
  9. Dantheburger

    Dantheburger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    V2 is Up and ready. I redid the bases and top level, and made it Territories compatible. Also, how would I get the thread moved to competitive? I'm a noob at Forge Hub.
    #9 Dantheburger, May 8, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009

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