A training ground for new USMC Special Forces snipers. The combatants will have to use cover and superior targeting to pass this preliminary test. Those who fail to succeed must retake the test for more practice, and training. This map is basically to help players get better with the sniper rifle in a fun way Here is the link to the Map Here is the link to the Variant (required) A little information on the map. The map itself is pretty basic, its the game type that makes the game. It is designed for Slayer although team slayer may be used. Suggested Players: 3-5 (solo slayer) The more players the more hectic and face paced. 1 on 1 is also possible. It is exciting but slower paced, because if you start running they will start shooting! Players will paradrop in after every death. this minimizes the spawn camping, and allows players to spawn anywhere on the map, even behind an enemy, so watch your back. Combatants will have poor camo all the time representing a sniper's camouflage, which evens the playing field for players of all skill levels. A little on the variant Marksman Player Traits: Poor camo Sniper Rifle Magnum 2 starting grenades No radar Scoring: Score to win = 50 (you can change, but as is it is very balanced) Kill = 1 Headshot = 2 Assasination = 2 Betrayal = -2 Suicide = -1 Players must either be still and wait for the perfect shot, or run in the open and be shot. For some fun and more advanced training I have included a warthog and a mongoose to practice sniping enemies out of vehicles if your into that. Pictures Can you find the Sniper? (he's an elite) If you couldn't here is a little help.. (somebody else found him) A look at poor camo, and an unlucky recruit Always watch your back.. Players can drop down anywhere on the map A spartan sniper, and a grenade covering an elite's approach Didn't even see it coming.. Players need to stay in cover or else.. The Elite knows where to be.. The spartan needs to retake the test a few more times.. If you want to know more about the map, just play it. My friends and I play this over and over, and it never gets boring. There is always a new hiding spot, and its always fun to stalk a player across the map just to punch them into the ground. Any suggestions on added cover or variations on the game type are greatly appreciated. Let me know what you think of it.
Ummm.. not be an @$$, but if the sole purpose of this map is for people to improve upon thier sniping skills then why are there grenades and pistols?
This actually looks really awesome, I can't wait to play. Very simple, but is probably going to be great fun. EDIT: This should probably be moved to the minigame section.
Well the real purpose of this map is to have fun, its just it is a really good way to get good at sniping at the same time. and the grenades and pistols add another element to the gameplay, because if you only had snipers it would be sorta dull, but when you can go pistol whip people and grenade them out of hiding its a lot more challenging. Plus you can use the grenades as a diversion to cover your movement by creating distractions with them. (most people will scope in around a grenade explosion, so you can sneak up on enemies while they are in their scope and vulnerable) You'd be surprised at how many assassinations and pistol kills you get in this game. And I was thinking of putting this in minigames, but its not really just a mini game its actually a good competitive map, because its hard to dominate completely the poor camo and lack of radar levels the playing field a lot, so all of your friends who arent very good at halo can still do ok and have fun, without getting owned.
It's almost a team snipers, but I have added quite a bit of scenery including two tree platforms. The part that makes this game really fun is the poor camo. It is actually quite intense with 4 people. You can very easily get assassinated unless you check your back and move after you shoot.
It looks to me like you didnt spend much time on this map. It seems like team snipers with a few bunkers and active camo. Sorry but I just dont think its worth the download.
He's right about the map. All I'm seeing is a Standoff, with changed scenery, but the gametype sounds pretty fun. It could probably work with a lot of community maps.
Yeah I didn't really make any new innovative bases or anything on standoff, but keep in mind it is a sniper level so I wanted to keep it open and not too cluttered. The main reason I made this was that for one I am tired of all the "house" maps in foundry, and I really wanted a map that my friends could play and be able to do well and actually get kills on. The matches are almost always different every time as players learn and find new places to hide and become better shots. also hiding in bushes and in the natural scenery including shadows provide great cover.
I like it. I love snipers, nothing more satisfying than a headshot, and this seems great for practicing your skills, especially being aware. I think it is fine that there are grenades and pistols, what you think that a real sniper would have a closehand firearm, wrong. In the US Marines the snipers carry some form of close range protection, many times knives...
I played a few rounds of the custom gametype on this map last night. It's great. There isn't really anything incredibly compelling about the map design, but the scenery does make the whole area a pretty even playing field. We did change the settings to full invisibility for 10 seconds on spawn, though... it seemed to work a bit better. Thanks for the awesome reason to get off foundry.
thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you like it. I've been playing around with the starting cloak, it is currently set at 5 seconds of full cloaking after you spawn, so by the time you hit the ground you are fully invisible making spawn camping nearly impossible, but 10 seconds might give players that extra time needed to get into cover. Thanks Cosmic Rick. I will test it out and change it asap, but I just got the red rings of death 2 days ago... No problem, I'm trying to avoid making maps on Foundry, because it is so over used now, and I want my money's worth out of the map pack..