I need somebody to explain to me how you would geomerge a box so far down that it looks like carpet on the floor of Foundry. a detailed explanation or a link to a tutorial thread would be nice... I know about the man cannons it doesn't work when u get so far down
I personally have never felt a need to make a carpet box, but I know of a way in which it could be done. Place the Block / Double Block where you want to make the carpet. Brace the box on two sides like so: l_ The lines represent walls against the box. Make the box place at start no and start a new round. Stack up eleven Walls or Double Walls on their sides against the braces. Force respawn the box. Place braces on the remaining sides. Grab the box and save quit once you have got the box in the desired position. Good luck and I hope that helped!
Ummm...? Block/double block is the same thing as box/double box. Walls are the same on both Sandbox (Which I assume you assumed he was talking about) and Foundry. The technique is the same.
The possibility mentioned above should work for Foundry or Sandbox. However, as I said before, I have never felt a need to make a carpet box anywhere and have never tested the above. I am just going off of prior geomerging experience.
a easier way is to make a double box, make it not spawn, go in it as aperson and when it spawn it will push you under and immediately go into monitor mode. Then you'll be under the map to movve freely and place objects! Then place a flat wall at the right height and save and quit it or mancannon it. Then do the same thing to get under again and place a double box and it automatically geomerges it if your under the map and it goes into the map. Tada! i is awsum.
Have you ever geomerged before??? You half to geomerge objects under the map to get them there. You cant just spawn them and they'll magically be there, they spawn above you. Please know what ure talking about before you suggest it
Well, you'll have to get used to not using the door if you want to geomerge on sandbox... Its basically the same thing though, only you have to manually interlock the walls rather than let them auto-interlock.
Ok, I have no experience on geomerging that low but I have a good guess. 1. Get under the map. 2. float a box at the right height beneath the map (I don't know the height) 3. start new round and geomerge the box right above the other box that's under the map 4. When you geomerge the top box about halfway through, it should push itself under the map but the other box will keep it from going all the way through. Hope it helps!
Spawn Box, Place at start no Place a bridge where it was put to walls on top of the bridge Vertical like this | | Spawn box, delete bridge, brace box, push it down, save and quit asap Voila
ok heres one for u... and to help ill try to be as descriptive as possible... 1. place the box you want to geomerge on the ground. 2. make that box you just placed place at start: no. 3. start new round and put down a bridge where the first box was. 4. put another box on that bridge. Delete the bridge and force spawn the first box. 5. brace the first box (if they are not in the same position make the first box place at start: yes and the second one place at start: no, then brace the first box.) 6. force spawn both boxes if they are not already spawned. grab the first box (should be barely visible) and then save and quit within 2 seconds. When you come back it should be a carpet box... 7. if it sticks out a little repeat the process without the bridge there and just another box on the ground (if you do this then make the boxes in slightly different positions so you can grab the right box) Sry for not knowing which will work... Ive also never used capet boxes... but this should work (im guessing?) i hope it does and good forging to all
What is all this talk of getting under the map? I suggest just using the door technique and then use the sides of the doors when you need that close, precise push to get it like a carpet. Why do you want a carpet, anyway?
Because it will improve asthetics in the map im making. and i get it now. i will edit this if it doesnt work