New way to float without save+quit?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EliteMuffBadger, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. EliteMuffBadger

    EliteMuffBadger Ancient
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    I was recording a tutorial on how to make jail cells with a friend, and found out how to float without using the save+quit method.

    What i'm wondering is, will this be useful? The problem is you only have around 10 seconds to angle your object, although that might be good enough for making drafts of maps.

  2. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    That looks very interesting... I think I will attempt to do this actually... but it does not seem very good if your going for a very clean merge but it would be an extremely good time saver if I had known about this for awhile... like the map I am doing right now. Well anyway good find.
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Save/qutting doesn't really present any problems, so I wouldn't say that this holds much promise as a useful replacement, especially due to the restrictions you have (object orientation restrictions, having to do it quickly etc.).

    BUT, since Forging is so glitch oriented when doing pretty much anything, understanding and exploring the various glitches and unknown aspects of Forge only increases our wider understanding, thus making it a valuable exercise in the long run. It's also just quite interesting, so thanks personally for showing me something I didn't know, even if this is of no real consolation.

    Props for pushing the boundaries dude, every step toward furthering our understanding of Forge is a good one imo. Who knows? Maybe someone will one day find a use for this which makes it a valuable building technique, and even if not, it's a nice point of interest for those fascinated by the finer points of Forge like myself.

    PS. Do you know if this is something that works on Sandbox only? Or is it an all-canvas technique?
  4. EliteMuffBadger

    EliteMuffBadger Ancient
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    I'm quite sure it works on any map (have not tried, I just assume so).
    It also works for movable objects too, so say if you want to have fusion cores fall down from the sky at a certain point, you can use this to make it much faster.
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    That's actually kinda cool. Not a massive time saving method, but hey, any move forward in efficiency is good.
  6. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    There's also the fact that you'd be limited to placing no more than 32 items with this method, assuming you're wanting to float each piece. Still, it's a good find, even if it's not as useful as some of the other techniques we have (yet). Good job. ^_^
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I may be being seriously stupid here, but I don't get why there's anymore of a limit on this than there would be with any other method. Why exactly is this the case?
  8. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Because you can't restart more than 32 times or the game ends, it is some glitch that has pissed me off 5 times this week... but ya that's the reason
  9. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Interesting...kind of like the turretless vehicle glitch. Something happens when you start a new round that things aren't turrets, or gravity.
    Hmmm...I wonder if gravity lifts/mancannons work correctly if floated using this method?
  10. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    This does mean you could do it 32 times then quit and do it another 32 times right. If so I don't see that limit realy becoming a problem since most times people would use a save quit technique before using the restart technique 32 times. Since the most number of objects, excluding spawns, you can place in a map is 32 it would be very rare to hit that end game limit. Also since this is a under 10 second stratagy I don't think someone would loose all that much progress.
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Indeed, I don't see it being a problem unless someone goes crazy with this method without saving once, although it is definitely worth remembering that this method does mean you should save very often when using this method. I've also heard tell that sometimes the glitch screws up even more and the game ends at fewer than 32 rounds, never spent the massive amount of time it would take to test this properly, but it's also something worth bearing in mind if you do use this method.
  12. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    something else: When you have a wall in the air for any reason, and need a wall to float on the bottom of it, you can put 2 tin cups on top each other and restart the round as the wall you make floats up to the cups. (restart round and delete cups and object stays)
  13. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    There's another way to do this method, and its more flexible....

    One player selects what object he would LIKE to place,
    then HOst ends round. While the time inbetween round over and black screen,
    the player needs to spawn the object and get it in the right position,
    when round starts up again, object will be in whatever way you manuvered it in the exact same place.

    This method seems basically pointless, because if you do not succeed in the time limit, then you have to do it over, which probabolly would take less time to save and quit.
  14. EliteMuffBadger

    EliteMuffBadger Ancient
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    It's more of a method for making drafts of maps. I've used it for my jump map (still making), and it's quite useful, and it's good to have a friend with you while you forge, it makes it less boring.
  15. AssassinChao

    AssassinChao Ancient
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    well this looks like it works... but it involves having some1 else there so ur not connection host... but ive discovered a different way to float things. (unfortunately it only works in the sky bubble and u must be relatively close to the death barrier)

    1. place the object where you want it to float (use walls or something to brace it where you want it to be exactly)

    2. hold the object while you slowly fly down thru the barrier (to your death)

    3. either wait for the object to respawn or start a new round and the object will be exactly where it was when you died. :) hope that could help too

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