Sandbox Zone 5

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by CALUMx2305, May 7, 2009.

  1. CALUMx2305

    CALUMx2305 Ancient
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    ZONE 5

    This is my first post on forge hub
    This map is more a beta more than anything else, if i get good feedback about gameplay i will make a bgger cleaner version of it (straighter walls flater floors etc), So make sure to leave feedback.

    Made for FFA

    map: : Halo 3 File Details

    Game mode : : Halo 3 File Details

    3 level map with 3 lifts going to the top floor

    Weapons and Equipment:

    9 x Battle rifle

    2 x Covenent carbine

    1 x Mauler

    4 x Frag Grenade

    2 x Plasma Grenade






  2. 2uix

    2uix Ancient
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    i suggest more pictures. include an angled view with the surrounding wall removed. as of right now, i have no idea what the map looks like and am unlikely to download.
  3. xTuOx SN4K3BYT3

    xTuOx SN4K3BYT3 Ancient
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    This map looks well forged and well planned, you can tell you spent quite some time on this.

    I wont be downloading this map because looks cramped and probably wouldnt be able to stay alive in a game with many people and my list is full anyway so

    Overall i give this a 7/10

    (First post, or not :D )
  4. Arkwalker

    Arkwalker Ancient
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    This looks like a pretty good map. This must have taken you a while. I think you should take down the surrounding wall because there isn't anywhere for people to run anyway. Its kinda cramped and small, but it is a FFA map. 7/10
  5. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I like the 3 levels concept and all, don't get me wrong, but this looks like something that can be easily improved. For example, neatness. Try merging some stuff together to give new structures and make gameplay smoother. I can't get a good understanding from the pictures provided, but I suppose I will download to see them better.

    Good job overall, 4/5.
  6. redpox28

    redpox28 Ancient
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    This looks...bland. Try using some unique geometry and lighting. What this map needs is something to make it stand out, like a cool structure, or even lighting. It also could use some cleaning,l but you said that this is a beta, so ill ignore it for now.
  7. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Well I'm glad to see you have taken an intrest in the forgehub comunity. First off fairly good job on your first post. Know as for your map like you said it could be smoother and I get the feeling your looking for some suggestions as to how and where.I will get to that in a sec but before that I have to mention that your map seems a little like an mlg map based on the weapon placement. Now where you could smooth a bit. I would sink the single wall ramp directly under the tube corners(pics 3 and 4) down a bit to remove that bumpy walk. Im also not a big fan of the tube corners just floating there maybe use some small wedges to cut back on I'm breaking the laws of physics a little look. I would also consider something to make your map unique stand out you know what Im saying, be a little bit artistic( dont just put in a floating kill ball!) I hope this feedback helps and good fist post ill try and watch for your final version.

    #7 Canadians360, May 7, 2009
    Last edited: May 8, 2009
  8. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Nice job on your first map post, from what I can see, this looks like preeeety good ffa. Id suggest a bit of interlocking, and a little straightening up. I will give it a 3.5
  9. sebby625

    sebby625 Ancient
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    This looks like you have worked really hard on this but it looks very complicated. I'll try it out and you should make a better version.
  10. CookieMan

    CookieMan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    In screenshot 3, I noticed a ramp that could be easily improved.
    Overall, with added aesthetics, lighting, smoothing, and general improvement, this map could be excellent. A for effort. 3.75/5

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