I believe it is now uncheatable (let me know if you find any more breaks). The links have been updated. Thanks for telling me.
could you make like that tunnel of yours pink that would be nice by putting in that blue and red thing in it just a little aesthethic thingy for the rest this map is very good
Err...What? There isn't any geomerging in the skybubble. And the second sentence didn't even make sense. Anyway, about the map. I have to agree that it is the best racetrack you've ever made. I like the hills you've put into this map. It is very smooth. This map definetly feature worthy. You executed this very well. I also like the wall slit floor. This is really sweet. You've got my download. Awesome job.
i agree, the map now seems unbreakable and has become my favourite race track i love how you can keep your 'goose at full speed if you hit the turns correctly
My goodness this track is so smooth! I haven't raced properly on it yet, so I can't comment, but I worry whether this track will actually promote overtaking and close races; it seems rather easy to follow the perfect line and the lack of shield doors doesn't seem to provide much oppurtunity for a racer to make a comeback. Still, it is a joy to ride on, so props for that.
You NEED to make more racing maps. You have the best maps I have ever seen. I love this race. I have DLed and played thhis fab map. I think you need to make more tracks!
Wow, you...are...incredible. Maybe this is the last of this trilogy, but I would be quite interested if you went into competitive maps, with your forging skill and a couple good ideas...who knows what you could create. Congratz to you. 5/5 on the map btw
I still think you should make 4 race maps so it's like one of those mario race "cups". You remember, 4 tracks per cup. I think it would be awesome to race on all four in a row like a cup would be. I enjoy the smoothness in all your maps, and even after playing on it, I don't have any complaints. Also, if you want to make a different kind of race map, maybe more focused on aesthetics, I think that would be a better idea than stopping. Anyways, it's up to you. Good luck if you decide not, but if so, message me. Thanks for the map, drummerguy360
Looks like a great map, but has nothing that stands out. You should start putting more creativity into your maps instead of just amazingly smooth skytracks. Those are getting old...
Aren't looks and aesthtics the same thing? anyway excellent racetrack sorry to hear its your last one 5/5
This can't be your last your to good of a track maker but whos stopping you anyways nice job this is a very neat map and its curvy i probably like the s-bend and the tunnels..... well everything so nice job! 5/5! this or cherry kiss should be featured so you can go premium. P.S you deserve to be a premium
I havn't posted in this thread yet? I find that very weird lol. Congrats on the feature for back burner. I find this map a whole lot better though. Cherry Kiss is my favorite racetrack on sandbox and silhouette is my favorite on skybox. I have recently made those my favorites. Very nice job on this map man, the smoothness of the map is so amazing and it plays so well with battle snipes. A+++++
Thanks for the comments everyone. I'm glad you like it. I have been receiving some comments about respawning on the main level and the crypt, so I updated the respawn points to fix this. The link has been changed in the OP. Please let me know if you find any other problems.
How did I miss this? Anyways, when I was playing/forging on this map with Dow, we realized what really made a race track. When you can ride it backwards (insert joke here). All of your maps are so smooth, they can be played backwards! Aside from the ramps, anyway. Sad to see this is the final race map you have made, but I guess it's good to end things before they get too overdone. I doubt this'll get featured anytime soon, but if you manage to make another non-race map, it has to turn out great. 5/5 PS: My favorite part: the Hill. Too many racetracks don't have those.
I downloaded this a while ago when backburner came out and I think this is as deserving as a feature. However I dont think they will feature the same author making the same style map twice in one month. I like how the mancannons catch you when you jump the edge.
OMGWTFBBQ, last track? are u f*cking kidding me? u are a legend, and with that: THE BESt TRACK MAKER EVAR, ur just gonna stop making them? WHY? any ways, the map is amazing with amazing banked turns, almost a disconnected and stretched out figure 8, i mean that in a good way. good job 5/5 dont stop forging plz
Love the Track! Great track, so smooth on the driving. Can't find but 1 bump on the whole track. Can't do anything but go fast on this track, good tourney race track.
I just went through the map and it runs pretty smooth. I really like all of the turns. I bet it'll be fun with a full party racing with no walls.