Sandbox Banzai

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ctkay, May 7, 2009.

  1. ctkay

    ctkay Ancient
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    (download here: : Halo 3 File Details)

    About the map:

    I've been trying to make a map that would fill the void for a truly close-quarters intense crazy battle map, a map that would be good for playing with my roommate, a map that is small enough for a two player game to have a lot of action and not much turn around time for people to try to fortify their position. Hence, the probably slightly politically incorrect name of "Banzai."

    So yeah, it's supposed to be intense, with the emphasis on action rather than on thinking and planning, although a certain type of strategy obviously comes into play. My personal fav feature are the grav lifts, obviously.

    I just realized that the map is also not really set up for Team games, since I was focusing on a small map (it's so small you can hardly call it symmetrical, it's more just like one huge room). That could easily be fixed, but I don't know if Team games would even make sense on this map (although like I said, they could easily be played).


    With that in mind, this map is fully set up for and fun as hell on:


    all FFA. As I said, the spawn points are not yet split up into teams (although I feel like it would almost be just as good for team members to spawn randomly than it would be to try to organize them). So, you can try these gametypes in Team games and tell me if it works, or if it would even make sense to play Team games on this map. This map is absolutely NOT set up for:


    I might try to set the map up for these gametypes later, but it's so small I don't know if these games would be any fun.

    Stuff you can pick up:

    BR x 3 (2 spare clips, 45 sec)
    AR x 2 (30 sec)
    Shotgun (1 spare clip, 150 sec)
    Sword (150 sec)
    SMG x 2 (20 sec)
    Pistol x 2 (20 sec)

    Bubble Shield (60 sec)
    Power Drain (60 sec)

    Plasma Grenade x 6 (20 sec)
    Frag Grenade x 4 (10 sec)

    The two power weapons, the sword and shotgun, obviously balance each other a little bit, but you could also theoretically change the power weapons, switch them both (or one of them) for a power-up, or delete them all together. No powerups in my setup because powerups are lame-o.

    Cool Pics:

    Long view from overhead


    Long view of the top and bottom


    Long view of the bottom and middle levels


    Corner view of the bottom and middle levels


    Corner view of the bottom


    The pictures really don't capture how the map plays unfortunately. The one where you can see how big I am helps. It's not so small that it's just stupid (for an idea of the size of the top, for example you can't make the jump from the center bridge to the far walkway between the corner walls), and I'm pretty sure that it's a little taller than it is wide. Hope those pics help.

    In closing:

    Go ahead and downloads it! I know that you know that we can ALL use a map that we can throw on for some mindless yet awesome killing with a few buddies. And, if you do try it give me your feedback (esp. on the issue of Team gametypes as a possibility).

    *EDIT: I forgot to mention the issue of getting out of the map. I made it so that the only way to get out right now is with a well placed grenade jump, and since getting out would be pointless in any game but Oddball (or Flag and Assault, but like I said the map isn't set up for that) I figured it was good enough (and I didn't want to add a bunch of ugly stuff along the top just for assholes who like greifing). Obviously, if people actually play this map and it becomes an issue you can add objects along the top to prevent getting out of the map, there should be plenty of budget and objects left to do so.
    #1 ctkay, May 7, 2009
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  2. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    I don't really know how the grav lifts work. The map also seems waaaay to small for any flag/bomb game, more like a 2v2 or maybe a 3v3. The idea of up top, and bottom bases are good, so nobody can spawn kill that easily, and getting out of the map would also be very easy. I would switch out either the sword, or the shotgun for another power weapon, maybe the shotgun for the sniper, because two insanely powerful CQC power weapons, on one small map seems way to powerful. If one team controls both of those power weapons, the game would be over.

    The aesethics of the map are amazing though, the 'x' cross where the sword is upon is brilliantly forged, as well as the top bases symmetrics. 4/5.
  3. ctkay

    ctkay Ancient
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    The grav lifts are concealed mancannons. And yeah, I expected people might not like the Sword and Shotgun (but what are you going to kill the sword guy with then?), so maybe I'll change those somehow, thanks for the input on what might work. Same for getting out of the map.
  4. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    A good-looking map, obviously focussed at small but hectic ffa slayer games. The default layout looks good and balanced, plus profesionaly forged and interlocked. There are a few easy changes you can make, too make your map a little better:

    1. The shotgun and the sword are way to overpowered on this map. They don't balance eachother out at all, but will just make two players go rampage on the map while the rest has a average lifespan of 5 seconds. My suggestion: replace the shotgun and the BR on the bridge with one sniper rifle (not overpowered, but not too useful), and the sword for a mauler. Plus, give each side an extra BR on the top level. And finally, move the two BR's near the center pillar further away from eachother, for example, replace them with the power drainer/bubble shield.

    2. Your map is breakable like you said (players can grenade jump on the corner walls on the top level, and then jump on the outer walls). However, you don't have to highten the walls or ad a ceiling. Simply move the corner walls about half a block down, so they become crouch cover.

    3. If you want to set it up for teamgames, you need to make a few changes. First, set the spawnpoints near each teams base to attacker (red) or defender (blue). Second, replace the power drainer/bubble shield with BR's like I said before, it's even more important for balanced gameplay.

    NOTE: these are just suggestions, you don't have to do things like I said if you don't want to. I also admit I haven't actually played the map yet, but these are just commoon issues. However, I'm downloading now and I'll give you a score when I played it with my friends. I'll be back tomorrow with news. Anyway, enjoy your map!
  5. hyabusa1337

    hyabusa1337 Ancient
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    this map is really good but i do think a roof would be nice for people who nade bounce out and the weapons are fine they dont have a long reach it would be easy to kill them with an AR. and really people learn to read it says NOT set up for flag and assault.
  6. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    this looks like a great FFA map, propably would be good for team if it were resized a bit bigger. The sword and shotgun are a bit overpowered, maybe replace the sword with a spiker...and replace the shotgun with a trip mine or something.
  7. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Incredible stuff. I can see this in my opinion as something to be played with FFA, but the aesthetics, multi levels and vivid use of the objects, make this worth the dl. The general structures make it look unique, and the only bit of advice I would give you, because you seem very familiar to forge, is making the walls neater in some areas.

    Other than that, excellent job, 5/5 and my dl.
  8. DFS Faust

    DFS Faust Ancient
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    This map is very unique.
    The multiple levels and Grav lifts Are a nice touch.
    I would make the sword a Hammer though because
    sword vs shotty. shotty always wins.
    You could also add a roof to add an aesthetic
    touch to the map.
    And maybe have 3 Brute grenades and 3 plasma grenades.
    if you want to make it 2v2 you could add 2 spawn rooms
    heading into the underneath middle.
    and add some more cover on the bottom.
    But i dont know ill have to dl it first then ill let you know.

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