Last Stand

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Rogue Shadow IV, May 7, 2009.

  1. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
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    "It is a Last Stand for 15 humans and a starved zombie on a desert
    wasteland Boarder."

    This map is on Sandbox as you can see and it is a circular base. This may remind you of the map Boarder Control on standoff. I have sniper rifles because of the upper part of the level I have the brute shots for mongoose jumping fun and golf club because its cool.
    The Weapons List:

    Sniper Rifles x1
    Beam Rifles x1
    Brute Shots x4
    Golf Clubs x 1


    Stickies x4


    Warthog x1
    Mongooses x4
    Ghost x1
    Chopper x1


    This is the Human Boarder

    Overview of Boarder

    Middle of the level(Zombie Defense)

    Zombie base overview

    Zombie Base

    Vehicle and human Spawn point

    Teleporter to middle and lift to the boarder

    Top of the boarder

    Zombie Spawn Point


    Where Zombies go to

    Vehicle Exit and Entrance (Two on each side of the base Left and right)

    Zombie Paths


    What happens if I go in here?

    You don't want to know

    This is the link to the Map and the Gametype.
    Last Stand Map Improved

    Last Boarder gametype

    Description of gamtype:
    Main Zombies have poor camo. Main and normal zombies both have 150% damage resistance, with no sheilds. Humans start with pistols and shotguns.

    #1 Rogue Shadow IV, May 7, 2009
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  2. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Before I even DL I can already tell. There's NO chance for the zombies, and the humans will bumrape him so hard, his head explodes. I assume that by the end of the game, the score will be humans total: 67 zombies total: 1.

    This is not balanced at all from what I can tell. Try just making it 1 warthog, maybe 2 mongeese, and just brute shots. Remove the others. And give the zombies 150% damage resistense. That's my take.

    EDIT: Good things:
    Nice job on the aesthetics, it looks like it would play well if it were not so unbalanced. The Border looks great, and I liked how the zombies can't get in through anywhere else except the wood bridges.
    #2 Meltyourtv, May 7, 2009
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  3. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have just removed the Two Missile Pods, one needler, 1hog, 1 Sniper, 1 beam rifle, two ARs, 1 plasma pistol. Then I made both normal and main zombies have 100% health and normal shields. They always were able to drive the vehicles, main zombies have poor camo and they all have fast speed. Is there anything else that should be changed?
  4. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    While the map looks pretty well forged, I'm not fond of the weapon caches. Why do people that make infection maps always want to put all the weapons together and so close to each other? Just looking at those weapons tells me that this is a game for people with no skill.
  5. 2uix

    2uix Ancient
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    Agreed. I always preferred Zombie games where Zombies have no shields and humans have a single pistol [no extra ammo]. Especially in Halo 3, the pistol is pretty inaccurate, making it very difficult to kill a zombie without wasting your clip.

    These kinds of games are absolutely no fun for the zombie. If you make it harder on the humans, it gains a lot more replay value. People won't mind so much when they are forced to start as the zombie, and you'll feel more accomplished when you brain someone.

    I think a general rule is that explosive weapons are a big no-no in Zombies. Just make it high-damage resistance / no shields / and pistols [+ shotguns, if you absolutely must]. I'm also not really sure why so many people try and throw vehicles in these games. It baffles me. Zombies shouldn't have to be running across wide open spaces. I guess you put speed increases and invis, but it's still boring for them.
  6. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    The zombies will get dominated before they even spawn. If you even have a decent set up for humans, the zombies still have no chance with 2 rockets, 2 shotguns, 8 or so snipers, etc. The human defense circle thing looks a bit crooked, and I would try and make sure the wood planks actually reach the top of the human base. And why on earth would you make a zombie base? Just so the humans can spawn camp? The weapon caches are also over powered.

    The human defense circle thing is also a bit under forged. I think you could add some things into the circle, other than leaving it blank with vehicles driving around.

    Good things:

    Aesethics are great, the border is awesome, as well as the layout. Going through the teleporter means death in the dunes is awesome. The only way zombies could get in is the wood planks, so that is pretty cool, unless the humans just camp out at each bridge, otherwise the zombies are screwed. I would make at least one more way for the zombies to get in.
  7. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok I have just finished adding and deleting the weapons. I have also fixed the gametype. Thank you for your suggestions and tell me if anything else needs to be changed. The new gametype is up and map new pictures are coming right now.
    #7 Rogue Shadow IV, May 7, 2009
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  8. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    This name has been taken... by me! =D so if you could change it that'd be fantastic...

    On to the map:
    It's very unoriginal... humans start in giant building with anything they would need to survive, and have no reason to go outside... zombie try to come in and fail horribly because humans have all the resources they would need nicely stacked together in one pile... and to boot you try to make it fair by making zombies fast but that just gets boring and the zombies can no longer easily control where the go making the game even less appealing... the forging looks good... but this game won't be sorry but no DL, so no rating...

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