hehe i like how in that king of the hill game that orange guy tried to crouch in and you shot him. lol that was funny.
I watched most of it (My internet wouldnt buffer the rest), I liked it. I enjoy watching montages from normal non-pro players. The only thing i suggest is to edit alittle more, not overdone, but a decent amount. To me it looked like you used WMM, but i can see you edited with Sony Vegas because you used the "Flash" transition alot. What i would suggest doing is watching Phurions guide to Sony Vegas, it should help you out. -RPAL PS: I Friended and subed on Youtube. BlindFireSniper.
I couldn't stand the video after two seconds when the music started. That song was really annoying, next time I would suggest using more of an appealing song to all viewers, along with editing the Halo audio with your song selection. I ended it after you got the stick, I'm sure you're gameplay was decent just consider what I said above.
I liked it, but one thing you could improve on is the transitions. Mix it up with some cool new transitions and I guarantee the montage will look better. Nice work!
I didn't like it. =\ The editing, well, there wasn't really any at all, and the clips that you kept and put in there weren't even that great in my opinion. You only had about 2 overkills and you had a sword killtacular in there. Not very entertaining to me, I get triples very often in MLG and I only keep really good ones, not just rocket to rocket to a sniper body shot, it wasn't very entertaining to may.
Decent gameplay and editing. Try to lay off the "cool single kills" like the sword assassination and stuff like that. But, the multi kills were good. 3.5/5
I think it was really cool. One of the more unique ones imo... it had a lot of variety and it flowed pretty fluidly considering the "bumpy" feel from the music. Overall: 4/5
It was alright. The clips weren't great. I didn't really enjoy the sticks or single kills as much. Maybe try and concentrate on multi-kills. The snipes were sick though, very nice. The editing was alright too. Not to great. Also the music was wayy to repetitive and was annoying. At least you made a montage lol 3/5