~SandCanyon~ Created by: SLDrummer and X taco king X (also credit to like 30 buniez for placing spawn points) Time it took to make: 2 hours. Gametypes: Capture the flag, Slayer, Territories Download: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=76898054 Description: A simple map created for slayer, capture the flag and territory gametypes. It is mostly symetrical and has an open atmosphere that provides for good battles. The sniper is very effective, but simple to counter, as well as the high grounds on either side overlooking the middle. Weapon List: Sniper (2) Rocket (2) Needler (2) Brute shot (2) Battle Rifle (about 8 I think) Equipment List: Bubble shield (2) Regenerator (2) Plasma Grenades (4 maybe 6) ~Pictures~ Center of the map [/URL] Blue base[/URL] Red base: (sniper on left side, as well as other base) Overview: Rocket Spawn: Middle side: Base overview: (with vehicles)
Has a good layout, Also seems like a fun map to play on. Not much else I can really say, All I would recommend is interlocking, and filling in some of the empty areas. (if you didnt already hit the item limit.) Good job.
Thanks man, Also I didnt hit the item limit, but I wanted to wait for more comments that way I know what to do in the V2.
Looks pretty cool, only thing I'd say is your spawns look kind of random, and some of them seem to be completely exposed. Maybe if you thought out the spawn placements the gameplay might be better. I haven't played it, but I can see that being a problem. Other than that 4/5
Wow I never though of that, probably because my brain was else where during that two hours. thanks a lot
yes, yes, and yes. This map was designed with sandbox in mind, but the most major change is why I created this map. By having no third floor on the bases people cant sit up there and BR wich bothered me very much. So I created 2 floor bases with high areas in the middle that still create great leverage, but easily countered.
In the screenshots it looks very good. Its not very technical in terms of forgery, but hey...sandbox default is a very simple map and is a hellalot more fun and playable than some interlocking object maps. I like what you did by keeping some of the default bases' parts. I also made myself a canvas where I left the foundation of the default bases standing.
Thanks guys, I did choose to keep Sandbox's or near Sandbox's weapon set. I Tried my best to make the bases playable, but not a place to be at to camp. I think the smartest equipment/weapon I placed was the bubble shield ontop of either tower.
hey well this looks a lot like default sandbox and im not a fan of default sandbox but im not going to hold that against you well to start you didn't do much (if any) interlocking now thats not a necessity, it does wonders for aesthetics also you don't have a weapons list which is a big factor in detirmining how good a map is it also looks like you have a lot of random cover, and that makes the map look a little sloppy you also took pictures in forge, and a lot of people don't like that im not trying to be mean, im just trying to help out
Sand canyon Overall, 4/5 Interlocking is the real thing that would help. If you come up with a name other than one to do with which level of Sandbox it was created in, then you'd do much better. Also, don't take screenshots while in Forge.
thanks sounds good, and you obviously didnt download or you would have seen plenty of interlocking on both bases and on the side ramps.
Is that suppoesed to mean I did a bad job taking them or that the map is very good and the pictures arent great... im cunfused? lol
Thanks dude, Im glad I could change your mind. The maps playability should be as good or better then sandbox or at least that was my goal.