Hi FH, I was wondering if someone here could help me with the task of Forge Interlocking...I've gotten the basic concept (for DLC) and I've set the first double box to not spawn, started a new round, and now I've gone to place the second double box. And it works, they interlock and stick together but here's the issue: When I place the first object and I tell it not to spawn then go to the next round, I forget where exactly that first object was. Like, I know the general area of it but I don't know where it is exactly, as to align them perfectly (the little raindrop like marker of the object doesn't help me at all.). For example, this is what happened when I tried interlocking: See how they aren't straightlined? Is there a way to remedy this?
The only thing i can really tell you is that there is no real way to solve your problem, practice makes perfect, the more you do it the more you get used to it. the only starter tip i can think of is that the tear drop is in the center so just imagine the item as if it were there. hope this helps also, welcome to ForgeHub
Yup. it's mostly practice. Depending on what you're doing, you could place another object right next to the one that doesn't spawn at start. That gives you a better idea of where it's going to spawn relative to the new object. Mostly it's just millimeter by millimeter adjustment until it comes out right, though.
Thanks for the replies. I guess I'm too used to making maps in less than a couple hours. I can tell by looking at the Guilders' work that some of these maps must take days and days lacking sleep to produce and that's what makes them so great to play on. I need to stop rushing my projects and take time on them it's just I'm always short on my patience -- I have practically none of it. I want to get a project done and dish it out ASAP to get it over with -- a practice I need to abandon. Thanks Guys ~Doc
Wow. Somebody actually had a change of heart in the forums... and for the better. Anyway, I can't wait to see what you come up with with this new attitude.
I did have this problem now Ive only just started interlocking but I tend to use trafic cones to mark points on the object, they seem to work perfectly for me as they are easily visible and can be simple knocked aside when you place the object to interlock
What i do is put spawn points at the corners of the 1st object, or put them where the 2nd should go. Hope this helped.
this is how i do it (in 4 simple steps): (excuse the terrible images, i just knocked this up quickly) Step 1 Place the first box (Box 1) where you want it to be. Step 2 Place a second box (Box 2) along side it, aligning the end of Box 1 with the middle of the two parallel lines (that run around the sides and top of the box) of Box 2. Now set the respawn time of Box 1 to a period long enough for you to align the box you wish to Interlock it with and set it to NOT spawn at the start of the round. Step 3 Start a new round and spawn a new double box (Box 3), placing it along the same side of Box 2 as Box 1 was. Align the end of Box 3 (the end which will be interlocked) with the farthest parallel line of Box 2 (as in the image above). Step 4 When Box 1 respawns, it will be interlocked with Box 3 and perfectly aligned. Now simply delete Box 2 and you're done. Rinse and repeat as needed. Obvioiusly, everyone has their own method ... and this can be applied to pretty much every item you want to interlock (walls, bridges, boxes, fences etc). Hope that helps
The above technique is the simplest, but not the most accurate. Using his technique, before you move the box 2 into the path of box 1, place a box against the short side of box 2 (Far right side) Move box 2 away, and put a wall against there that side met the box you just put in. Now put box 2 back in. The box should now be '1 wall width' merged into box 1. Same technique, just this way you will know all your boxes are this width medged. Also this is the tidiest technique because the boxes merge cleanly.
Ya i have the same problem. I just practice. I can't get it perfect but I can get it to look ok. I like to use markers like the garbage or a line or something I find that helps.