Formerly named Landslide, I now bring you an improved, renamed version of the old map. "Mudslide" is a symmetrical map which offers excursions for infantry, despite being a fairly vehicle-based map. Currently set up for Team Slayer, Team Oddball, Capture the Flag (Both Single and Multi flag), and Assault (Symmetrical only). To download Mudslide, click... The Download Button! Vehicles on map: 2x Mongoose (20 seconds) 2x Ghost (45 seconds) 2x Warthog (90 seconds) 1x Chopper (120 seconds) 2x Gauss Warthog (120 Seconds) Equipment on map: 2x Trip Mine (90 seconds) 1x Power Drain (60 seconds) 1x Overshield (180 seconds) Weapons on map: 12x Plasma Grenade (20 seconds) 16x Battle Rifles (30 seconds) 1x Shotgun (120 seconds) 2x Sniper Rifle (180 seconds) 2x SMG (45 seconds) 4x Spiker (30 seconds) 2x Magnum (10 seconds) 2x Plasma Pistol (20 seconds) 2x Plasma Rifle (30 seconds) 2x Needler (45 seconds) 2x Brute Shot (60 seconds) 1x Rocket Launcher (150 seconds) 1x Spartan Laser (150 seconds) 8x Covenant Carbine (30 seconds) 1x Mauler (120 seconds) 2x Machine Gun Turrets (60 seconds) 2x Missile Pod (180 seconds) Constructive criticism requested!
First off i don't think that this map is going to get featured anytime soon. This has a good idea, but it is too open on the outside, plus all of the weapons are literally right next to each other. Also, you should probably look at the forging 101 section at the top of the forums. Also, did you see the weapons that you put on the map? There is about every power weapon in the game and every other one too. It should probably be spread out better and you should get rid of a lot of weapons. Continuing on my rant i will say that almost all the vehicles are next to each other also. I really don't know much about the gameplay, but i hope it is better than what i think it is. Overall it needs improvement in a lot of areas. 3/5 better luck next time
Looks cool from the pics, but I can't really tell what the rest of the map is like besides near the entrance. It looks like a good idea for an infantry map, with a main path down the center and side entrances, but I don't have a good view of the back from the pictures. It seems like its too open on the sides and it would be easy for vehicles to drive on in, but make it very difficult for players on foot. Maybe add some cover for players on foot and objects that the vehicles would have to go around.
First of all, WAY too many weapons. Secondly, the map is way too open on the outside, and the forging looks messy. However, I like all the bridges, and you get points for effort. Overall, 3.5/5
Reply The back is a closed off area. I couldn't get a good screenshot of it. You say I have all power weapons, and that they are spaced too close together. Give the map a download, and you'll see. They are spread out, and most are in an area where there is little use for them.
A weapons list would have been nice. From what I can see, you just threw a bunch of weapons onto the map. Like EVERYWHERE. The aesthetics however, are not too bad. I like how everything is made, but you should have at least merged the bridges so it's smooth. Other than the weapons and vehicles, not a bad map overall. 3/5.
First off, don't bump your thread. This isn't forums we have rules here. Second, there are far too many power weapons for this map. Third, there are way waaaaayyy too many weapons in general. You have an OS near the splaser and two BRs and two carbines. Anyone gets the OS and they're set to dominate.
I agree with the other posters 100%. I think that you could clean up your forging by interlocking those wooden bridges, no one likes a bump that interferes with gameplay. Overall, I believe this layout has A LOT of potential. I love the long central hallway that branches out, the two side platforms, and the multiple levels. It surprises me that a map with this much potential was so sloppily created. What you need to do is: Straighten and interlock (when necessary), spread out weapons/vehicles, add some cover to the ground level. I like your choice of weapons so stick with those, just space them out a bit more. Thanks for not calling it Landslide (the name of my map). Keep working on this, I would like to see a V3 with the changes I mentioned implemented. Zscore: 3/5 "needs work"