A very simple idea that developed. having seen the many wacky creations from fighter jets to trains to toilets I decided to make a map that was a bit more normal atleast in apperance anyway, so I thought what hasnt there been a map of ? And what do alot of games have or can have in alot of places especially sandbox games ? Hence I created a drive in cinema. The basic idea is what if, with all this new covenant technology the chemicals from it have some adverse affects upon earth film, in essence making items on the film turn real. so this map mixes a few gamg war style weapons with the more futuristic halo weapons that in some cases are spit out of the projector. The map features the normal things your expect from a drive in, a booth at the entrance, alot of parked vehicles, a huge screen and of course a confection counter in the building, aswell as a projectionists room ontop. This map can be played in any gametype although is best suited for infection gametypes as the zombies come right out of the screen. Download map heres a few photos to show the overview of it, and despite it appearing a bit well poor the ingame experience of playing it is alot different to the shots suggest
interesting... i like the idea of zombies coming out of the screen like a "3-D Horror Movie" gone wrong... original, qued for DL
I did think of making the screen bigger but to make it realisting id have had to extend the supports plus it didnt work too well because of the additional cover it gave for assult and CTF and would have taken up budget. .yeh I'll admitt it is a bit messy but the strange shape and dimension of the main building led to prioblems getting the roof even as good as it is. The reason I posted here rather than asthetic is its fully playable I mean any gametype should work on it Still thanks for checking it out
This map looks sloppy. Maybe you should go back and spend more time interlocking and making things straighter, otherwise I like the concept.
Very original! It's always been a nightmare of mine that the people are going to walk out of the horror film and kill me! Now this can all come true! Yay...