wtf ill stay with firefox i dont mind waiting .8 seconds for a page to load. again chrome crashed again while uploading a youtube video. GC looks good and all its just doesnt work good for me.
Firefox fo sho. It's much more reliable than Internet Explorer (less crashing) in my opinion, and the open source engine allows for some flexibility.
I don't really have a "favorite" browser, but I use Firefox because I'm used to it. I would use Internet Explorer if they had tabs earlier because I wouldn't have needed to get Firefox since tabbed browsing was really all I wanted in my browser. I also browse the internet on my PSP and Wii, but I guess those don't really count...
I use the PS3 browser a lot also. But yeah, anyone who's used chrome frequently will tell you it's the best.
I am using the Safari 4 Beta at the moment; luvin it! Really fast, and it supports the multi-touch on my MacBook, so I can just use three fingers to swipe back and forward. I very rarely use Firefox, I find it slow and a bit of a RAM hogger. I will try Chrome when it comes to OS X
Safari works for me so far, used to use Firefox until I upgraded itunes and it gave me safari. It's faster, easier, and more manageable.
That's the name of one of the Linux based Operating Systems. I think the Browser that's packaged with the OS is Firefox, or possibly Opera.
I use google chrome. The Browser's interface is small, unlike firefox which takes up half of the screen. The dynamic tabbing is also really easy to use.
If Speed was the factor in anyones "Favorite Browser" Then Google Chrome 2 Beta would be the fastest out of any browser atm. Second would be IE8, then Firefox 3.0.7 and Safari 4 Beta was in Third. Though Speed has never really worried me. If it loads then im fine.
because im jk Idk really, maybe people like the desktop icon which owns all other browser icons but thats really irrelevant. Firefox has a lot of customizability options with a ton of themes and add-ons and such