Who here's seen Alien Vs. Predator? You know, the film where the humans go down this giant chute, and get stuck underground in a weird shapeshifting pyramid like thing? (what sandbox is pretty much designed for.) I'm thinking one side VIP for the gametype, and for him to escape, grav lifts can spawn so far into the game (3 mins for example) leading up the chute and the objective can be back at the top. The Aliens could be black coloured, and prefferably elites. Humans could be something like white or something that stands out. Post your Ideas, and we'll try and forge this up.
I made a zombie gametype similar, but not too similar. (Used the shaft for zombie entry, into a base were the humans already where, using a clever combination of poor camo, forced colour and lighting to make it the scariest gametype I've ever played) I figure zombies would be a better gametype? (wasn't there 3 predators, loads of aliens, and a few humans?) Could add custom power-ups for aliens and predators as zombies, and just have the humans as normal. Then all you gotta do is design a "temple" type thing with timed events (Passageways could changes, grav lift jumps, weapons spawn etc) I'd be willing to help this, sound funs R
Zombies maybe, I just thought that, similar to cave freaks, it could be more objective based with VIP. Explain with the powerups? And yeah, the temple's changing's gonna be the best part.
You can have more than 1 alpha? If so, then this should work... As a point, how come on gametypes you can force colour but not armour type? (spartan / elite)
You should add tubes slanted downwards so it is accurate, and when you hit the crypt's walls, just make a turn, with a gravity left aiming to the direction you want them to go, and just keep building until you hit the floor. Or make it from the sky bubble, and just make an enclosed room where humans spawn and gravity lifts that point and direct humans towards the chute and those spawn after 20 seconds. Make the entrance to the pyramid a tube sort of thing to make it feel as if you are underground.
I think the main plan is to frighten the crap out of humans by separating them from their team-mates, and the map changes like crazy purely to frighten the crap out of players.
You could make a tunnel from the crypt, and when it comes out have a spinning gravity lift with shield doors around it, that would seperate the humans. Then have the zombies come in with teleporters. I think this would be the best/most realistic idea.
Yep, alpha zombies are the players who start the round as zombies. In the infection settings you can set this to how many you want...I believe the options are something like 1, 2, 3, 25%, 50%, and 75%. Armor colors are just skins of the armor permutations. The exact armor types could theoretically be forced, but it would be a lot more complicated. I don't think Bungie foresaw much need for Spartan/Elite specifications.
Won't be a diagram, but let me explain in detail. Get over to the middle of the middle tier of Sandbox. You see that chute? Make the humans go down that. Now, at the end of it, put a spinning gravity lift (if you don't know how to make those, go to h3artificer.com). That will seperate the humans. Put shield doors around the gravity lift so that the humans can't destroy it (ignore this part if it's too complicated -> (or even better, you could make a spinning gravity lift right under the floor, so it doesn't show the gravity lift spinning, but still seperates the humans. That way they won't ever be able to destroy it.)). Now, add in the hallways that the humans will be pushed into. Here's a simple diagram for this. ...........| ...........| ...........| ...........| --------()--------..........(Ignore the ...s, and the () is the ...........|........................spinning gravity lift) ...........| ...........| If you would like, you can make it so it has more then four hallways. That way the humans don't run into so much walls, and you split them up even further. This seems much more realistic then a teleporter, because the humans arn't that advanced. You could add in a teleporter to get into all hallways for the zombie though. That help any?
You know you can just make the humans start in different places? That way they will be separated at first and later they can regroup. Unless you want them to be together then separated, then you might as well use hobo's idea. Or teleporters. Oh and don't forget to make all those cool traps like in the movie.
The spinning grav lift sounds crazy. I like that idea. Win. But I doubt I could forge that. @hunted meat, if we're going strictly at the AVP theme, humans have to slide down the 'chute at the beginning.