Socratic Method

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Apr 21, 2009.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Not my style

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    Umm, this map kind of sucks if you have 16 people. I played it today with a party of well, 16 people. The first thing I noticed, oh Im out of the map. So I decided to look around and see if there was anyway to get back into the map. I jumped on some stuff, and finally found the boudries of the map. I got on top of them and got to jump on the other team. I killed about 3-4 people before I died. Next round, another person spawned out of the map, and decided to just shoot at the other team. He finally ran out of ammo and decided to join us in the map. So, in conclusion, this needs to be fixed.
  2. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Try a different map.
  3. Pedobear

    Pedobear Ancient
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    Even with the recommended amount of people, you can still break out pretty easily.
  4. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Well now that's a different issue altogether. I guess I made the list.
  5. Null Parameter

    Null Parameter Ancient

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    Not to mention that the number is "Recommended" and not a straight requirement. When I see recommended, I assume it means that it plays the best with that number of people, not that it is straight out broken with more.
  6. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    but thats still ONLY recommended. Obviously, some people will play with more people on this and a map needs to be prepared for that number. Even if its meant for 6v6, you need to make sure your map is built for more in case someone decides to play 7v7 or 8v8. And some people haven't even seen the thread or know about FH. I wasn't leader when I played this and I didn't look at this thread to say STOP ITS NOT FOR 16 PEOPLE and even if I looked at this thread, i wouldn't have said this. Besides, its not a hard fix and fixing it will make it better overall.

    Senior Member

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    Its a custom map. Its not built for matchmaking. If people are in your party and breaking out of the map, then you are in the wrong party. Find other people to play with
  8. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Yep. Recommended for a reason. Just like when you buy a new ladder and ignore the warning label. Do what you want to with it but don't complain if you break something by going against printed instructions.

    The map is at item limit, so spawn points can't be added. There are 8 per base, but the game does what it does with them. Trust me, I went through a process of deciding what was worth sacrificing for what under the restrictions imposed. Sorry, but it's a fact about the map. Don't overcrowd it... not every map works for every party composition. 16 is too many in this case.
    #68 Indie Anthias, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  9. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    Ok, I actually went into forge to see if there were any options. Here is one. Move the starting point off the spawn point. This now gives you 9 places to start when playing the map. This would PROBABLY fix the spawn issue and doesn't require any more objects. Here are some other things I saw that don't require any more objects.

    - move the needler & grenades. {since you have a ledge you fall of of when you spawn, which is fairly annoying, you see the needler for less than a second. In that time you wont have time to grab it and no one uses it. I literally had no idea it was there when I was playing. You can fix this by moving it down on the ground floor. This way, newcommers to the map will see it and it will be used a lot more}

    - Make the first territory wider {in coqnuest you want every bit of the floor covered and you map has corners that cut the territory off. If a team is pushed back to their first territory, the want to be able to use that wall for assassinations and surprising te enemy and they still want to be able to contest the territory while doing that.

    If you fix those two things and the spawns by just moving the starting point, the map, in my opinion will be alot better.
    We weren't breaking the, we SPAWNED OUTSIDE THE MAP. That is not the players fault, its the game/maps fault.​
    #69 Bartoge, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  10. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Those are up there for a good reason. There's a window to shoot / throw grenades out of (look at the first picture in the OP). The idea is that if you are totally over-run to your #1, you have a fighting chance of booting invaders because you have an elevated position, a good gun to shoot besides the AR, a couple of grenades, and a window to shoot out of. And again, as I've pointed out numerous times, I'm sorry you don't like dropping down when you spawn but the elevated hives are to eliminate base switching. You have to fight your way back if you are over-run, as opposed to just spawning on the other side. I know ADD kicks in pretty hard sometimes (jk, no offense meant), but if you know the map, than you can use that position to your advantage.

    That's actually how I had it at first. During one particular test, I had a tester who hid in the far corner of the red base and was continuously contesting that territory. The opposing team never realized this. They ran right past him time after time and we were stuck in indefinite sudden death. I had to end the game. The real solution would be to narrow that wide area on the porch of both bases but that would destroy the visual effects that make this map what it is. If you use the tower window, it really helps to reclaim your #1.

    I know there's some crazy checklist out there that says to cover every square inch of the map with territories, but there's always another way to do things.

    Thanks for the input, and that idea of separating the starting point out is a good one, but that alone doesn't warrant a new release. My answer is still simply don't overload the map with too many players. 16 is too many for this map.

    I really do appreciate it, and I hope I'm not being too defensive. I know I'm stubborn.

    edit: oh yeah, and I think LIGHTSOUT was addressing Quagmire's comment, not yours.
    #70 Indie Anthias, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  11. Liukang121

    Liukang121 Ancient
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    AMAZING map dude, keep making more!! 10/10
  12. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    This map looks epic. I will definately dl and give it a look. Prolly run some customs on it. Not much more can be said but "Wow Thiz Map is Pwnzorz"
  13. cburgdemon21

    cburgdemon21 Ancient
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    This map is very aesthetically pleasing. I like the Greek theme going on, name goes well with it. I shall download.

    IxSPAWNxKILL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow i love the aesthetics. Its like Roman ages vs the Middle ages :)
  15. CptMcMuffinz

    CptMcMuffinz Ancient
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    i think this map is great becase it combines both good gameplay and good looks, which made it really fun with me and my friends
  16. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Holy cow, dude! This map looks wicked awesome! I definitely NEED to download this when the HaloBox is fixed.

  17. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    You know you've made a good map when some one like Furious D posts on it. :D lul.

    But really, you has a great conquest map here. Just goes to show you that asymmetrical conquest maps work too! :D
  18. lxMLGxl

    lxMLGxl Ancient
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    nice map wish i knew how to link my gamertag:(
  19. X taco king X

    X taco king X Ancient
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    My friend showed me and I was like ZOMG this is amazing. I stinking love the medieval/olympia feel
  20. MasterM 500

    MasterM 500 Ancient
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    This map is stunningly beautiful and plays just as well as it looks. Excellent job on the architecture and everything else. All my friends whom I have shown this map are very impressed. Once again, nice work.

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