Thou shalt place thy mic right next to thine face and breath loudly. Thou shalt go -15. Thou shalt scream like a 4-year-old girl. That's all I could come up with off the top of my head.
Thou shalt not envy thy neighbor with the most kills on thy team. Thou shalt not commit someone on thy team. Thou shalt enter Sarkathalon 3 and submit video on May 11th.
all of those except of the bolded are true, Hlg does take skill to gain the lead, and to get into hiding spots where noone else will find you.
Lol'd. I agree with all of it, minus the achievements part. I don't boost them, but I do feel a certain need to get them, for some reason. It's something to do that I enjoy aswell.
"Though shalt take thy warthog and rush thy power weapon.. alone!" Damn noobs, always stealing my precious hog.
Thou shalt throw power drains into lifts with reckless abandon. Thou shalt take the sword and shotgun at the same time. Thou shalt be in party chat whilst your teamates are strategizing.