Wow the first one is sooo... WOW! I love the scenery and the subtle lighting and just the overall feel! The second one is pretty good, but I'm still blown away by the first one! EDIT: It looks as if it could be a background picture for the computer!
The first one looks like it would make a good poster or background. I love the great scenery you have in that picture. The second one has some good lighting, but that's about it.
The First one is about my favorite just the fact of a huge tornado of power and the spartan just watching and waiting GJ.
Thphoon is amazing, the trequility of the grass and hill, contrasted with the obious devestation. I really like attaint, the glphys in the background give it a foriegn feel.
It's my new background. Lol. So ... now, maybe I'm missing the point, but I'm thinking you guys like the first one? Correct me if I'm wrong ... lol. But yeah, I'm going to be taking shots like that a lot from now on. Campaign scenery shots. Campaign Scenery > Multiplayer Scenery.
Agreed /backgrounded. The shot would be nothing without MC and MC would be nothing without the scenery. I also like how the cliff and the tree on the left side complement the rock on the right. Great shot.
Hey Leeumm,I really like the first one.Did you take that on the Storm by any chance?I like how that is the turning point from my view and the picture is yet dramatic,and scenecly beautiful.The second is awsome,but try to get a diferent angle and the ancient look is pretty sick.Good job my friend.
Typhoon-Just amazing, the scenery is beautiful haha, i love how you are just sitting there watching the disaster unfold Attaint-i like this one too, it looks very serious haha i like the gold shine off of your guys armor, the backround is cool too with the heiroglyphics