Evolution is just as much proof that there is an all powerful force guiding the universe as it disproves fairy tales written during the bronze age.
I'll bear with you and continue by saying yes, religion was created in the Neolithic revolution... it didn't exist beforehand in the paleolithic age. There were still humans then though.
Would you call that atheism? Can you not believe in something not yet created to not agree with? Technically, you aren't Atheism is non belief in a God. If you don't even know the concept of a God, are you atheistic? But doesn't really matter, the point being they didnt create religion yet. And wait... tell me, or show me a quote, that says that because christianity is old it hsouldnt be believed in? Or that that logic was ever stated? I know I didnt. And if I did say something that came off that way... sorry, but I don't believe that at all. That makes no sense. If that was the point of asking your original question about creating religion, then I dont think you are gonna get a good argument. At least from me, I dont think/never said age has any revelance to its truth...
Religion has been on the seen since the paleolithic. Neanderthals are possibly one of the fore-bearers of religious burial ceremonies.
Atheism is older than Christianity but atheism can not be older than theism because it requires the idea of god for the person to disbelieve in. We don't call animals atheists because they lack the concept for god. Even with theism I can't call myself an atheist due to the ontology of god (or lack thereof). So I would consider animals, man before religion, and myself as a "wtf are you?"
When did I ever make that argument? I could just say that Christian atheism is only as old as the first atheist aware of the Christian god and actively not believing in it, making it younger. But why would you make an argument that because something is old that it must be wrong?
I understand it, and that is pretty much my belief on religion (in general). @El Diablo, sorry I could not get back to your path you were leading us on (was watching scrubs series finale). Anyways, I have never said that christianity should not be believed in because it is so old (just pointing out). There are many other reasons not to believe in it, most of it being said throughout these last couple dozen pages or so.
I just wanna say two things: 1. P3P51: OMFG Series finale was awesome miright! I lold a lot lol... 2. I think this debate needs to get back on to the subject of evolution and creationism. This thread has become more of a second God debate. Which is fine I guess, but I think we should try and get back to the original topic...
I just wanna ask, because some of your posts confuse me... are you arguing for religion and God, or are you arguing both sides? I don't know... some of your posts seemed to go to both sides, some specifically going to one side or the other.
Romans says "no one is at excuse" All people who are not old enough to make their own decisions go to Heaven (can't find the verse on this)
Just a question... but lets say a horrible person, someone whos like, a rapist and serial killer and **** like that, suddenly is hit by a car, but survives, yet becomes mentally retarded. He is no longer to make decisions for himself really, since he is almost braindead... yet he would still have his whole life to be able to repent and convert to christianity. Will he go to hell for his sinning, or because he no longer is able to have a chance at converting before he dies, will get to go to heaven? Just a question, as I am curious for a situation with something like that.
Like I said earlier, people don't go to hell for their sin. However he will go to hell if he wasn't saved already, because he already had his chance. The fact that at one point he could make his own decisions is where he could've gotten saved. The question "if someone did this, would they still go to heaven?" is often frowned upon by most creationists (at least myself and some others) mostly due to the fact 1) there is no excuse 2) You can't make decisions = Heaven 3) You can't lose your salvation
If sin has no effect on your access to heaven, why is it so important to repent? Besides the morality of admitting you sinned. EDIT: Sorry but re looking at that question... that not just came out badly but sounded retarded lol... Just ignore the question lol