Hi there to all members, I shall start by saying I hope this is the right area to post this, If not I am very sorry, I'm new to these forums and like the idea of making maps on forge, I have made some maps of my own before in the past on Foundry, but thought as I like to design and have the artistic flare so to speak and have an interest in design I would join here and start to upload and share my creations, and get some feed back. I've always liked to design ever since I was a kid building with lego bricks and as soon as halo forge arrived I new I was going to enjoy building and having abit of fun ( just Like being a kid again - lol ) I would very much like some feed back on this new map I have done on Sandbox, although the basic idea was not mine, the design, remake and everything you see here were all my ideas. You can download the map here: and the Game Variant for it here: The Screen shots are below: The basic idea of the map is a free for all, MLG type variant on a Octagun shaped map,in which you start of with: some naids, A BR as your primary weapon, and a Sniper as your secondary weapon. Please have a luck and See what you think, Thanks
Okay, now that I van see the map, I can give feedback. This looks like a very nice map the forging is excellent, and looks amazing. The only thing I would change is weapons on map. Looking fwd to more maps from you. Oh yea third post is spam better watch out
Thanks it took me quite a while to edit the pics had trouble uploading them, also the weapons list is above, which is just a BR and a Sniper. You just spawn with them, theres no other weapons on the map. Many Thanks for your help too btw.
its really good but i have 1 question do you want people to get up to the ceiling or not because it looks pretty easy to get out other than that this is one of the most smoothly, crazy forged maps ive ever seen
asthetically, this is the best map i have ever seen however, i dont think you should have placed the spawn points with so much room behind them. it is far too likely that you would spawn facing the opposite direction of your opponent. also, you may want to eliminate grenades, since you ought to try and prevent escapes all things considered, this map shows that you're more than capable of building maps that look amazing. i hope you go on to build an actual map, not just a BR arena. if you can build a competitive 1v1 or 2v2 map and keep this level of asthetic detail, it would be worth downloading just to look at. just remember that gameplay is important too; an ugly map that plays well will always beat out a gorgeous map with bad spawns and poor level design.
wow, I have to say, This map is amazing. I love how you made the large columns go over the top of the map, It adds a very clean aesthetic feel. i like how this one is built in the crypt, And The lighting is prefect. I think that a sticky gametype would be pretty good here. And, I only have 1 question... What gametypes should be used here? I can't see this as a slayer map because it would get very boring, Fast. i think a custom gametype would suit this well. I don't thinik BR's+snipers woudl work well... sorry, I just dont. Good map though. 4.5/5
I think the map looks really good, but I'm not sure how long you'd want to be jumping around in a circle shooting each other. Also, I found the only way to get to the weapons on the roof was to grenade jump onto one of those pillars and walk up it. This poses two problems. One, I think that this would be VERY hard to do in a game seeing how your opponent starts in the arena with you, and it also allows you to just jump out of the arena. I don't mean to be negative on this map, its very well made, I just had some gameplay concerns I thought I'd bring to your attention. 4/5
WoW I didn't expect to get so much feedback, Thankyou To answer some questions, This map, was based on a map for a game variant above only, where you spawn fast straight into the action with your BR, once you have died, within mere seconds there really isn't enough time to get on top of the map before the person/persons spawns again. ( the weapons on top of the map just spell out three letters N.R.A which is the name of my Lan Group. ) Just for a bit of a laugh, again the N.R.A is only for looks only not really for during gameplay. Also that is a good point about the respawn points, I did move them back but found that where you spawned further back the longer you had to start shooting with your br, it made it abit of a stretch, moving the spawns forward made the playing area smaller when you started/spawned. I also must add, that again this is only to be played with the game variant above, and where you spawn then kill spawn then kill, as fast as you can to tally up your kill count. Thankyou all again for your feedback
its an interesting concept... and the aesthetics are AMAZING. but im not quite sure how long people would enjoy shooting each other and getting spawn killed constantly... maybe put some small structure/pillar/object in the middle to at least block some LoS? i personally think it would improve gameplay a little bit but i suppose i would need to test it... overall it looks good tho i hope to see more maps soon
Again i think the idea of the map here, is similar to MLG Octagon. Were its aimed for BR practise and such. i.e. why its called Octagon Evolved, i maybe wrong on that but thats my guessing. Adding LoS and such would ruin the aim of the map.
First of all. wow this is spam. This is dreadfully obvious that you are just trying to get more posts and higher rank. Onto the map. Astetically this is amazing. So many people don't under stand it but it is one of the best warmups ever. I mean I'm not gonna sit there and play eight rounds of it but i play snipedowns original almost everyday to get started. This looks like a very astetically pleasing version of the same circle i am so used to. idk if you have the real gametype snipedown made but it seems like you have the idea. 1 second respawns and all that. I will definately have to download this and see if it replaces my normal warmup. I like maps like these that have a practical use, are nice to look at and such a simple concept at the same time. Idk if you fully realize this but you drilled this one out of the park! good work *this map has been hectic approved* EDIT: wow, the people on this forum have no idea what they are talking about. Snipedown, a pro made this gametype. It is one of the best things you can do to warmup for playing. THe idea is not to sit here and play 19 games consecutivly like infection. It is to get your br and sniper aim back before you go into matchmaking. Im pretty sure if the pros use this all the time then it is ok.
Hey um you did a pretty good job with it. it is pretty neat.But on your pics put some text to let us know what were looking at.Um the free for all mlg sounds like a good idea.It just looks pretty simple so you should make it more than what we have seen.So that is all i got.:0)
The concept is alright, the map is great. The only thing is that the gameplay would die quickly. There is no cover whatsoever, and right when you spawn, most likely you will be weak. Try adding a second level for spawning on the outer ridge of the map, and even a small centerpiece to give those in the middle a chance. A gametype that would work well with this map would be a one or two second invincibility upon spawn, to give an equal chance and allow you to get your bearings so you aren't half dead by the time you spawn. Beautiful map, just think about gameplay 4/5
nice map. i like the asthetics of it but i dont know how the gameplay would be. maybe add some cover in the octogon. 4/5 keep it up
I don't know but perhaps a 'safe room' might add to the game. A room outside the map with a sender node going to multiple receivers, geomerged into the ground so no one can see it.
Wow. This is by far one of the greatest octagon/battle maps that i have ever played on. My friends and i thought that the aesthetics were also the greatest too. I love the fact that you actually added aesthetics and not just left it the way it is. And i know what you mean when you said that you grew up with legos and love designing stuff like this because thats just like me. Overall ill give it a 5/5
AQUADELTA, i think you might be better off posting this map on the mlgpro forge forums. i'm getting the impression that many of the forge-hub players are not competitive gamers and are not familiar with BR arenas. the fact that multiple people have said "this looks like it would get boring" is a huge clue. people, this map is a remake of a very popular warm-up map. it is intended to help you get your BR nice and steady before jumping into competitive matches. it is the same concept as getting out and running a few laps before the big game. it loosens you up, gives you a lot of encounters, and it's mindless so you can chat and have fun while doing it. if you aren't having fun while playing this, it's because you don't take the game very seriously. this map/gametype is not meant to show who is the best player. it's just meant to improve your reaction time and aim.
Again I thank everyone on here who has made comments and given me very positive and encouraging feedback it has been very helpful and I have taken everything on board. Some people have got it, it is a warm up arena only, and your both spot on too hectic and 2uix you both understand it and many thanks for your praises, I did also think of posting this in the MLG part of these forums, maybe I should have but anyway. All the helpful comments made here has also been helpful for me and given me alot of thought for my future projects, if this map was made for a general FFA, I would have definitely made changes to it, I really like the idea of making a second tier on top and a adaptation of this map to a FFA map design gives me a big smile, but in short I sort of made the arena to fit the MLG Game Variant, and was defiantly intended as a remake of the original idea, The map for the game type, not a game type for the map. I suppose in a way, because it was built in this way and for this reason, anything else ie changes to the current map to the game variant would in a way be like trying to fit a square into a round hole and would simply not work in this case, unless of course you really made some serious modifications to the entire map design itself. Thankyou to you all again, you have been very helpful, and I will be looking forward to posting my furture projects here on forgehub. ^_^ ( Knowing me though, it could take a while, I work @ a snails pace - LOL )