mine would have to be on valhalla during V.I.P i guy was trying to snipe me i through a plasma at him it bounced off of his plasma mine flew and landed on the tip of his sniper while the other one stuck is head. i know that sounds weird but it did happen.
Best multi kill ever was a Neutral Assault match on Orbital and there were three of them IN A REGENERATOR and i threw one grenades picked off two, chucked another picked off the last guy and he dropped a rocket launcher with two shots (<--very important) allowing me to kill the last team mate who convieniently turned the corner. Then I rushed their base where there were three of them with their bomb triple kill with one shot but the last guy got away sadfaes.. But i also got a double kill with ONE shotgun bullet
I practically invented kill ball spawn killing. Or at least I did it first because I got Mythic before most.
I got an overkill the other day. I planted a grenade in a Wraith on Valhalla just as a warthog drove past. It killed the wraith driver and gunner and also the hog driver and gunner. SSOOOOO HOT!!
someone tries to splatter me with a mongoose near the edge of Rat's nest. I dodge and try to get on the back of the mongoose. We run/drive around in cirkles for 10 seconds, then he falls of the edge, and I shoot him with 2 ar rounds to get the kill. ^^
I got a killing spree when it was 1v5 and all my team quit but me. That or my killtacular with 1 nade and a BR.
Mine aren't very good, as my fails are better. But I do get quite a lot of sorta cool things. I got an extermination Grifball 1v4 A got a double mongoose splatter also killing the flag carrier before. I did a 270 noscope first try. I splattered someone by shooting a warthog with my BR I assassinated a turret guy on a warthog while they were charging at me.
With me driving, and my friend on the back of my mongoose. He no-scoped their flag carrier from across Standoff.
I was being chased by a banshee while in a chopper on Sandtrap. I was being gunned downed for a good minute, just trying to dodge the plasma shots while a teammate could get a laser or rocket. I was low on shields but the banshee got distracted by some guy shooting him with a turret. He turned around to kill the turret guy and I turned and headed to the main structure (the hallway that cuts the map in half, sniper spawns there, etc.) I saw that the banshee was about to get directly in my line of site so I timed a jump and right when I hit the roof of the hallway, I boosted, launching myself into the air, and ran straight through the banshee in mid-air, blowing it up. Typical movie-esque scene, but it was still great nonetheless.