It's supposed to be Green Room i'm pretty sure Gun Slinger. omg everytime I press post it says another reply is posted. I surrender. Other Dark beat me to it.
Yes!!! I love it! I wonder what we Forgers here can/will do with it? Now I want Ivory Tower. (I loved that map)
the way this map looks asthectically it must have good forge options. These three new maps make the origional ones look like **** and why counldnt the first dowloadable have been this good. This bunch are actually worth the price! Night is also really cool. im not sure its been done before.
I hope you can place immovable objects on this map for under it. Besides the Blackout grifball court that I want to make I want to re-create lockout under blackout =p lol
Well im happy. And while foundry was mainly for the forgers these maps are going to be all about game. Also I heard that bungie is making a few changes to forge...... Maybe on avalanche we can spawn some trees and rocks?
That would be awesome! I'm so excited for these maps they all look amazing BTW anyone else notice the windows on top of the sword building? Extra spot to get into with forge =). The next 3 weeks will go by so slowly.
Why are you so picky? The Other Dark is a proper noun. We're going to capitalize it. That is, if you've passed the first grade.
Pfft. I guess I just like lowercase letters, and The Other Dark just looks weird to me. Do you notice the roof on top of the building? Lol. If you could get up there, and stay up there, that would just be too cool.
I love this I really don't care if its a remake my very best halo memories are from lockout and this is just amazing.
im a little disappointed in the fact that this map is so similar to guardian but at the same time i can't help but be excited to finally see blackout. this map pack is totally worth the points. so many epic battles are about to go down in this map pack.
Can someone please post the bungie info on the map? Don't bother posting the pictures since they are on the OP, but I would like to see the text. I am on my iPhone, and for some weird reason, Bungie is the only website that I can't go to. I would have to wait till I get home, but quite frankly, I am too excited for my favorite map. The night time looks cool and all, but I hope lighting doesn't ruin the competitiveness of it. The only good thing about waiting 3 weeks is my xbox is in the shop for 3 weeks, so I won't be envious of you all. I just pray bungie gets my xbox back on time. Thanks to anyone who helps.
hopefully they are smart and decide to put a high roof, and a low floor and sides. That way we could do some uber cool stuff
i actually could see a bit of guardian in this map it does look pretty neat, but idk this map pack just isn't doing it for me... the last was waaayy better! idk, i guess i'll get them anyways, since i already have the spaer 800 ms from last time... i heard that on halo 1 and 2 they kept making new map packs over and over...i wonder if they'll make much kore for halo 3 they probably will, they just want our money
ive always wanted to see what it would be like to forge on lockout. maybe theyll incorperate some objects that are bigger than crates but smaller than boxes. that would be good. and does anyone think that the roof of sniper tower could be acsessed and used? that would be awsome :squirrel_rocking: