Pyramid of Doom A slayer - team slayer based map Best for 6 to 8 people on slayer and up to 16 on team slayer All 3 levels are used in the design which leads to some interesting gameplay The lower level is wide open cept for a suicide box and teleporters perils abound....critiques and suggestions are welcome
I suggest strongly that you embed your pics or your thread will be locked Download the pics from bungie clicking on them in the veiwer then upload them to photobucket and copy the img tag into your post use the preveiw button to check they work Some use I don't but copy the img tags in the same way no more posts please
So give the map a review, instead of spamming up the thread. I don't really understand the use of the three levels, especially with the whole suicide box thing. Please give a better description of how you get to each place and the gameplay it adds. Can you fall into the crypt? How do you get to the suicide box, and why would anyone end up there? The main level is alright, but it is very overpowered. 2 turrets, 2 hogs, a hornet, and a banshee alone is too much, let alone the ghosts and geese along with the rest of the weapons on the map. Try powering it down some, adding some cover in between the bases and the middle section, and for the sake of the thread give a better description.
thanx for the constructive criticism....much appreciated the concept of the use of the 3 levels was to add a variety of tactics to the gameplay. the crypt is mainly a transport room to the tube structure above the base. just fall in the hole under the kill ball to get there. there is a sender node in 2 of the corners. the suicide box is down there also. I call it that because there's 2 respawn points inside with fusion coils and the only way to get out is killing yourself. there are 2 respawn points inside the killball on the main level as well. the tube structure above the base has snipers and a laser on top. there is a stone path to another sender node which takes you to the top level with 4 platforms and barricades for cover. snipers and beam rifles give you a good look at the action below. there are lasers as well. I figured the lasers would take away some of the advantages of the vehicles. you may be correct in your assessment of the overpowering of the map but I tried to balnce it out best I could so no one would have any distinct advantage over another. I admit I have some learning to do as to what and how people want to play. my own opinion is there is plenty of cover available but I'm not here to judge my own work. I will certainly take your advice and any other in the best regards for any future forging. cheers
The middle area looks really cool, but adding the crypt and the skybubble as seperate levels is just too much. The middle level is awesome though, I just played a fun 4 person FFA on it, the top and bottom levels ended up just slowing down the gameplay :-(.
unfortunately, I have to agree with you on the slowdown of the gameplay. it took me and a couple of buddies almost an hour just to get to 25 kills. looks like I'll be revising this map for a 2nd version. I'll close off the crypt and do away with the skybubble but definitely keeping the suicide box. what about the tube structure above the main level and the overpowering of the map. is it too much for just the middle level? thanx! the critiques are most welcome. no spamming intended just to keep this thread alive....only trying to learn and hopefully get better. dr