AltarIntro Hey Forge Hub! This is my frist posted map and I hope you enjoy it. I began with a small idea and sketch of a map centralized around a killball with the theme of a temple with an altar. This idea evolved as I built it and after a few hours of work (and some confusion about whether it was spelt "Alter" or "Altar") I was finished. I probably struggle most with weapon placement and spawns so any feedback on that would be appreciated! Description & Story A long lost desert civilisation came across a huge underground room which they dubbed 'The Crypt' for its dark atmosphere. In the centre of the room lay a huge ball of fire. This mystified the people, and they began to worship the fire. The temple and altar was built around it and sacrifices were made to the ball. Altar is a map taking full use of the crypts' size. The centre structure hosts a kill ball and an altar with an energy sword. Walkways surround the outside and a ghost lies near the centre. It is set up for every gametype (except infection), but I haven't tested this with a decent sized party (not many of my friends play Halo) so I'm not entirely sure how well they all work or which gametypes I'd reccomend. Weapon/Equipment List Battle Rifle x 7 (30 second respawn, 2 spare clips) Assault Rifle x 2 (30 second respawn, 2 spare clips) Carbine x 2 (30 second respawn) Mauler x 2 (60 second respawn, 1 spare clip) Plasma Pistol x 2 (20 second respawn) Bruteshot x 1 (45 second respawn, 2 spare clips) Sniper Rifle x 1 (45 second respawn, 2 spare clips) Energy Sword x 1 (45 second respawn) Needler x 2 (30 second respawn 2 spare clips) Spiker x 4 (30 second respawn, 2 spare clips) Regenerator x 1 (60 second respawn) Bubble Shield x 2 (60 second respawn) Spike Grenade x 3 (20 second respawn) Plasma Grenade x 4 (10 second respawn) Frag Grenade x 4 (10 second respawn) Screenshots! A full overview. View from the central altar. View of the ghost. Download Map So yeah, that's all. Any feedback and constructive critisism would be very helpful as this is my frist posted map.
It seems like a decent map, and the killball serves almost no purpose. Can you make your text at the top a different color than black? Because I can hardly read your descriptions. But other than that, it seems like it is mostly made for BtB games, mostly slayer.
This looks like a great map. The only thing that I would suggest is more cover around the outside, and maybe some pics showing where the objective points are.
What game variants is this map compatible with? Also, what pary size would you recommend for this map? And is it a team based map, or FFA?
I wont DL, but ill give you feedback on the observations that led me to that decision. It's just to simple. After playing on MANY forged maps you can kind of get the feel of playability of a map from a simple look. First of all, no structures. Structures provide not only great cover, they also providestrategy and a place to spawn when the battle gets too hot. Second, no symmetry (A or B). It would be nearly impossible to play any type of team game with this layout. Third, there are no strategic control points on the map. When i say that, think of narrows and how most of the fight takes place top mid, or valhalla where everyone fights for control of the splaser spawn. Just a few additional comments, no interlocking or merging, and the ramp to the killball? Everyone understands that forging takes time to master, make the best use of feedback.
I'll try and get some pics to show objective points soon, sure. I tried to put enough cover so you could walk with a decent amount of cover but the ghost would still be manuvrable (sp?). I've answered some of these questions in the thread, compatible with every gametype except infection and terrotories, but I haven't tested it with a decent size party so unfortunately I can't really give any reccomendations as to what plays best, but I built it in mind with 1-sided objective games, team slayer and FFA. The kill ball is mostly for aesthetic purposes and also to cut off certain lines of sight. Also, when doing a small 1 v 1 test with my friend he over-strafed into it one or two times. I'll change the font colour. Quote: Originally Posted by Apollo I wont DL, but ill give you feedback on the observations that led me to that decision. It's just to simple. After playing on MANY forged maps you can kind of get the feel of playability of a map from a simple look. First of all, no structures. Structures provide not only great cover, they also providestrategy and a place to spawn when the battle gets too hot. Second, no symmetry (A or B). It would be nearly impossible to play any type of team game with this layout. Third, there are no strategic control points on the map. When i say that, think of narrows and how most of the fight takes place top mid, or valhalla where everyone fights for control of the splaser spawn. Just a few additional comments, no interlocking or merging, and the ramp to the killball? Everyone understands that forging takes time to master, make the best use of feedback. Thanks for the feedback, I'll keep this in mind for my next map, I'm not a very experienced forger but I can see what you're saying. It is actually symmetrical, but not fully, if you see what I mean... Just a couple of diagonal symmetries on either side but the main parts are symmetrical. Also, there is both interlocking (the walkway, cover in the columns) and geo-merging (ramp and box up to central pathway to altar above ghost) although admittedly not much.
Have just downloaded and played this some friends and it was awsome. A massive 10/10 from me! I love the weapon placements and the ghost provides some interesting gameplay. Great map!!
hey nice map but yea like the others said a little bor cover of some small builldings or a tower would make it 10 times better nice idea tho
I love this map, i played FFA with some friends and it was insane! One problem is the openness of some parts but otherwise a secure well made map!
I could not agree more played well but i do not think that the openness of parts is a problem it provides different sites and battles i.e. long range and close range fights. Well mde 5/5
Thanks for the comments. The openness seems to be an issue with everyone; I tried to make it so the ghost had enough room to manuvere (sp?) easily around the map yet still have enough cover for people on foot. I may add some more cover though.