Io (Eye-Oh)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by RunTime83, Mar 16, 2008.

  1. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Just a small base on a moon. 4-16 players.
    By: RunTime83

    Download Map Here

    #3 in a series of 4

    This is v2.0 and most likely the last version. I hope you enjoy it as much if not more than you did the first one. Thanks.

    This map could be my forge masterpiece. It is huge, with 4 levels to play on and more items than almost any other forge creation guaranteed(i hit the object creation limit). It is set up for Slayer/TS, CTF, Assault, Oddball, and Infection. It plays like a dream on slayer. It is open enough for 2 vs 2 but big enough for 8 vs 8. Its very good on CTF too.

    Bottom level has many areas including a tunnel type section in the middle. There is a man cannon at the back of the structure to allow access to the top level(It works 90% of the time, just have to get a feel for it). There are ramps to the 3rd floor from the bottom. Stairs have been provided for entrance to the 2nd floor, but there are many other access points.

    2nd level has 2 shield doors at the front of the structure to provide some cover(very little cover on the 2nd floor). 4 grav lifts have been put on the 2nd level for quick access to the next floor.

    The 3rd level has a truck parked at the front(only other way to the top besides the man cannon and deployable grav lifts). The hammer is located near here.

    The top floor has an enclosed drop to the bottom for quick retreats. There is a flamethrower located in the center of the top that is very useful at taking care of enemies coming up the man cannon.

    1. Fixed the lift in the back. It now works 95% of the time.
    2. Finalized some of the respawn times on weapons and grenades.
    3. Merged some objects to give it a smoother feel
    4. Changed the two open boxes up top.
    5. The bridges that go to the 3rd level are now smooth.



    #1 RunTime83, Mar 16, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  2. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    i never played ver 1 but ver 2 looks pretty good, parts of it look quite messy but i know what you were going for i will get back to you after i've had a better look

    ok i've checked it out and here is what i found i like how the shotgun requires grenade/buddy jumping to get to and the elevated window positions on the sides, as for the main building it has a great layout allowing easy transitions between levels and the bottom corridors are great for an ambush, i still don't know why you placed the pallettes on the roof though could you please explain it. i personally don't think you needed to use the back corridor of foundry and should have blocked it off instead also the are around there is a bit bland but i understand that you can't place anymore objects so it's ok. the weapon placement on this map is generally quite good and i love how you can grab the flame thrower and jump down to the bottom corridors in an instant and start burning evrything, the fire bombs are a nice defence against the close range power weapons and the radar jammer can be quite annoying if you place it in the central chute and i was wondering were the flare and radar jammer placed to allow equipment jumping?
    anyways great map.
  3. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Yeah, the only part that is kinda messy is the roof, but i mean come on, it is a roof. Lol. It has great gameplay with only a couple people or a ton. It got over 400 dls from friends and the Bungie forums.
  4. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    sorry i was wrong this map is neat enough and don't have any problem with the roof it must of just been the screens
  5. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Thanks! This map really is a blast to play on. Nothing ever happens the same way twice on this map, so games never get old.
  6. The Man With A Plan

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    add interlocking please
  7. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    If you paid attention you would see that there is interlocking. This map was made before the interlocking glitch became mainstream and v2 was just a courtesy. I have no plans to go back and interlock the whole thing. There is no need. It plays fine the way it is. You will not stub your toes anywhere except for maybe a couple small areas on the roof. But as I said earlier, it is a roof......
  8. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    One thing I had a problem with about this map (or at least an earlier version) is that you placed every power weapon (some had two), every power up, and every piece of equipment (again in pairs), on this map. I don't know if you did rebalance the weapons, but I'd really like to see a version of it that had a more balanced weapon feel to it. The map itself plays pretty well, but I didn't much care for the weapon placement.
  9. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    when i checked it out everything seemed balanced, albeit quite powerful, no team had an advantage to get to a power weapon/power up over the other team
  10. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Hey Haruki,
    I have changed up quite a few things since you last played on this one probably. I removed the snipers from the fence boxes. The fuel rod cannon is gone. The respawn times on the power weapons and most equipment have been increased. I'd say it is a lot more balanced in v2.
    But try not to think about this map in a competitive way. I made this map to be a refresher. Just an all out slug fest. If you have played a game on this map you'll know what I mean. 4vs4 or 5vs5 work best IMO but just about any amount of players will work very good.


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