Name the Top 5 Xbox 360 games you absolutely love. Mine: 1. Halo 3 2. Call Of Duty 4 3. GTA IV 4. Left 4 Dead 5. Gears Of War 2 Other games I have but did not make it to list: - Bioshock - Gears Of War 1 - Guitar Hero 3 - Army Of Two - Assassin's Creed - Call Of Duty: World At War - Far Cry 2 - Skate 2
Not in any specific order: -GTA4 -Fallout 3 -Resident Evil 5 -Call of Duty 4 -Skate 2 Other great games: -Crackdown -Halo 3 -Grid -Assassins Creed -Dead Rising -Fable 2
1. Call of Duty: World at War 2. Bioshock 3. LotR: Conquest 4. Gears of War 2 5. Frontlines:Fuel of War Honorable mentions: Assassins Creed Halo 3 Blazing Angels Endwar
The only 360 game I own, other than the Xbox Live Arcade disc that came with the system, is Halo 3. The only other game I own is Halo 2. Except for the NES with 50 games and a few accessories I have.
In no particular order: - Halo 3 - Castle Crashers - Left 4 Dead - Gears of War 2 - Portal Honorable Mentions: - Call of Duty 4 - Battlefield: Bad Company - Halo Wars - Lost Planet
The games I had the most fun in, and I suppose are my favorites, are: 1. Halo 3 2. Call of Duty 4 3. Rainbow Six: Vegas (Didn't have nearly as much fun in the second.) 4. Call of Duty 3 (First game I played on live, and I was hooked.) 5. GTA IV
HALO 3 Bioshock Call of Duty 5 Assassins Creed Crackdown others that i liked mirrors edge rockband guitar hero gears of war1 and 2 left 4 dead Call of Duty 4 other games that i HAVE NOT PLAYED BUT WILL Fallout 3 GTA 4 Farcry 2 army of two