Hi everybody like i promissed this is my new racetrack rollercoaster in sandbox Give it a chance why you are so bad with the map if you donnt even played? hERE IS SOME SCREENSHOTS a portal to the racetrack [/URL] The start line [/URL] The first ramp (you need to drive carefully at the top) [/URL] A backflip with perfect landing [/URL] A jump secuence [/URL] A mongoose crusher and a travel around the sun [/URL] A sorpresive ramp (download it and you will know why) [/URL] A cork screw in 90 grades [/URL] [/URL] a wallride [/URL] Another travel around the sound [/URL] A insane curve to... [/URL] A jump in reverse! [/URL] A underview [/URL] And an overview [/URL] I hope you enjoy it If you dont like it give it a chance coming soon a youtube video please download it Here is the download link http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=77363541 Well, thats all check my Other racetrack Infinity All right E.U.A: gamers your mexican friend alextreme picuz says bye PD: tHIS TRAC K WAS MADE bY aLEXTREME PICUZ LOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL XD
When I first saw this it reminded me of quantum, being long and hard to beat, but there was no interlocking and it doesn't look that clean. Probably one of the least clean race tracks I have seen. Maybe that's going to far, but it does look challenging. It is good if you're relatively new at forge.
This is very sloppy and it would be freakishly hard to stay on the track. It seems like a very long track. i see lots of cheat places too like the mongoose crusher. It isn't the best in the aesthetic department either. Not really original either. Good luck next time.
This is most likely the worst race track that I have ever seen on sandbox yet. You used absolutely zero interlocking. Which means that you are lazy and impacient. I don't think you should try posting a map unless you put more than 3 hours into it. This looks like you put this together in at most 2 hours because of saving and ending almost every item. Not only does this map fail, so does your grammar and spelling. No one wants to read the text about a pic that doesn't make sense, IDC if you're in 1st or 12th grade; before you post a map, make sure that you can spell and put yourself in others' shoes and think what they would think about the map that you're posting. EDIT: Most race tracks that have shield door bounces suck unless its to smoothen a landing. EDIT2: You have two suns? EDIT3: A banked turn is not a wall ride. EDIT4: The name represents nothing about the map. EDIT5: A good racetrack starts at the start, not on a different part of the map. Rating: Merging: 0/10 Asthetics: 0/10 Originality: 1/10 for the "cork screw in 90 grades" Neatness: 0/10 Overall: .25/10
You sir are the epitome of internet abominations who deserves there ethernet cable ripped from their computer and used to strangle them. You are the reason many new users might be discouraged from posting their maps for fear of being chewed out by angry, unhelpful and plain snobby criticisms. You berate and ridicule him for it being "the worst race track you've ever seen", yet you've failed to download the map and actually try it. The problems you preach like "no interlocking" and "you have too many suns!" is the sad cry of a noob that has no experience in manners or niceties. I for one have downloaded his previous racetrack "Quantum", which was built in the same fashion as this one, and I enjoyed more than any of the other racetracks. Sure pretty, interlocked racetracks like "Backburner" get featured and are nice to drive around once or twice but they present no challenge. These kinds of tracks, akin to famous ones like "Gold Rush" are challenging to drive and provide with the challenge of beating them. Yet still you scourned him and his map going even as far as to criticize his poor grammar when it seems that you yourself can not even spell a simple word like impatient. Next time you leading a ****ing crusade of hate on a map that you haven't even bothered downloading, think about making a thoughtful, helpful and friendly post that doesn't leave you looking a bumbling asshole with severe mental and anger problems.
I agree totally, what a bunch of intellectual snobs that just repeat the same crap like parrots - it needs more interlocking. Screw interlocking, the kind of interlocking in top quality racetracks is very difficult. And to me rollercoasters are insanely fun things that you play around on, not some masterful technical racetrack. They don't need interlocking, they're for fun, and they work just fine anyway, plus not interlocking them makes them longer anyway.