I am making a map... symetrical, a red base and a blue base... it is in the skybox part of sandbox, so I actually have red light in the red base, and a blue light in the blue base (which makes this kinda important), and I seem to have figured out most of the glitches, and I am pretty happy about it supporting all of the gametypes... but for some reason, when I playtest it with KOTH, it spawns me in the wrong base (blue team in red... etc) so let me clarify a few things for (tell me if I am wrong) - red team spawns at spawn points reserved for defenders? - blue team, attackers? - players will spawn at 'start points' at the start of the game, then at either 'start points' OR 'respawn points' for the rest of the game? they are my assumptions, based on what I have seen, and I set it up like that, except when I play KOTH, it sends the red teem to the attackers points, and vice-versa... what have I done wrong?
Not entirely sure about the rest but teams I know teams CANNOT respawn at start points only respawns. Make sure you also set your respawns up for each team also if you want them to spawn there.
HELP! HELP!First off I am new to forging. I have just completed my first map and can't setup CTF. Situation is on Sandbox. I change gametype to CTF -start new round-delete existing flags and place flag points in the crypt-then save map varient. Then for some reason when I play CTF the flags are up top on mid level and just the flag stands are on my map? Someone please help. By the way not a waist of time my map I believe will be liked by many.
I do have a quick question though Is it possible to make the Territories in a Territories match appear on after the other? An example being: The first terrirtory is the only territory on the map, and when it is captured, the next territory appears
A simple way of achieving this is to place the objective in an inaccessable area (eg. the top of a tower), and have an object spawn in after the game starts that connects to that area(eg. a bridge that spawns 30 seconds into a match that connects to your inaccessable tower).