Yo Phoenix, great map. 5/5. I DLed and played with all my friends this past sunday, and it played great. I tried making a map like this a little while ago, and was an epic fail lol. But there was one thing that was fun, and that was the warthog/killball drop. The warthog is up in a box and a grav lift on a teleporter holds it up. when you shoot the grav lift with your rocket launcher, (indestructo vehicles was on so u couldnt just kill warthogs, but theyd still die in killballs.) and the hog falls into a killball so it is like flaming asteroids raining from the heavens. I also put the killballs so they didnt, interfere with rocket fire or line of sight by putting them in the middle of my map (the outside 4 corners of your map, for instance) and it will add fun for the humans on the ground and the zombies in the air.
Oh Br00t kilre its actually my map (stevey101). Phoenix has just been helping my a lot on these forms. Im glad you like the map. I've wanted to add the warthogs falling down but never really thought about how to do it. Yours sounds like a good idea. If I mention you am I able to make it?
I was planning on doing a map like this a while ago except with sentinel beams, rockets, and fuel rods and instead of humans running around, they were in vehicles and after three minutes, a bridge would spawn in the bubble where the zombies can go and grab a laser. That seems like it would fare better for this kind of game but if you really want them to be on foot, give them lasers and rockets. That way, even if they do get underneath something, the rockets splash damage might still have an effect as well. After three minutes, have a bridge spawn that leads to a teleporter where they can go to the ground floor and finish of the humans in the last thirty seconds. The concept is fantastic but It it just needs some tweaking to it. If you want some help testing or anything add my gamertag: Scobra RLZ d00d. O's are zeros.
Thanks for the help, ill add you next time I get on. I never thought about putting humans in vehicles. Good Idea!
The only problem is there has to be either an honor rule to where the humans can shoot up at the zombies if they found the right angle to or the zombies could be invincible or you can just use Mongoose's but those fly out of the map way to easily if hit by a rockets splash damage meaning the walls enclosing the vehicles would have to be higher up. The other downside with Mongooses is that they are really fast and can easily out run rockets more effectively than say a Warthog which is about a relatively fair speed for the game. It's all up to you for how you want to do this. There's a lot of options but it's your map so it's your choice.
so cool, my friend made a map like this and i was like, this map rocks, than i saw this one that you made and yours makes his look like something made on Narrows. and believe me, anything made on Narrows sucks, so ya i give this 4/5.
This looks great. I think that a warthog-drop idea would be amazing though. Maybe have it so there's warthogs up in the skybubble, and the zombies can drive them off (killing themselves =(]) and hopefully splatter the humans. That way there's not one set place for the warthogs to land. BTW, how's the new type coming along?
Thats funny that you mention a warthog drop. I think you will be pleased with the release of the next version. Its almost finished so i'll probably post it soon. I don't know if I should post if in this thread or start a new one though, so check back here too just in case I post it here. Oh and as much as I would like to allow the zombies to drive I don't think I can because I am completely out of money .
Have you put this map up for testing with the Tester's Guild? If not, that would be a good way to test how well it performs with large groups. Also, is the rocket pod an option? Edit: comment moved to v3 post
Thats does'nt seem like a bad idea with the missle pod... Only thing is that its not AS strong as a rocket and is not that accurate
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