Hey guys just asking for advice...what makes a good mlg map what charcteristics do they have??? And better yet what would be good for a big team mlg map??? need some help....
Walkways on each side of the map running from base to base, a nice middle structure linked again by walkways, ramps in the middle leading up to the center piece. using Sandbox you can make a really sweet center piece, its good to have 2 story bases as well.
You seem to only put Foundry maps, which are not all MLG maps. MLG deals greatly with Lines of sight and controlling specific areas/weapons. Whether it be top of Onslaught or Rocks on The Pit. Callouts are VITAL in MLG maps. If you got no callouts then there isn't much comunication between teammates.
what he said is true but that gives you too much of a midship feel. Midship is overrated. what makes a good mlg maps is lines of sight, wepon placement, gameplay>looks, callouts and a ton more look at lockdown, it is an MLG map with out a middle like midship and it works out great. so please dont go with a midship style there is enough of it. =]
tnx but how do i make good lines of sight...also do you think a mlg big team would work...like a map that covers the middle floor of sb.R mongoose s aloud in mlg???or perhaps a warthog under the right sercumstances
Here is an excerpt from Tz's guide: You want your players to control certain areas. You must decide where and why the locations that will be controlled by the player. Lines of Sight are simple to understand. In some places, there should be good lines of sight, and some there should be poor. There should be a mix between each. You don't want to be able to see the whole map, but you also don't want to have so much cover you can't see anything. EDIT: I asked a similar question on MLGpro.com before lol. Here is the best reply:
NOOO lol deff not Go to MLGPRO.COM and find out what MLG is lol. thanks scope i was trying to find that. =]
Another thing is to not be swayed by the classic onslaught feel. I think i saw about 600 onslaught/amplified remakes so far, which isnt the point of "creating" a map. Just because they are adopted by mlg doesnt mean the you should look at them and steal everything, use your own style and play mlg, you will have a better understanding of what makes a map great for it
Okay well i have an MLG map that is all about CTF and Assault so here is basically what i did, I created 2 bases opposite of each other, but a nice middle structure, put walkways from each base that do this number R__________ R|.................\.....................|B R|..................[ ]..................|B R|.....................\.................|B ..........................------------|B lines are walkways and [] is middle structure, dots are just a filler. One major thing to keep in mind is jumps, a good mlg map has many jumps that allow the player to gain access to the bases via more options than just go up a ramp that people can camp. As for lines of sight, it is meaning that keep story levels clear that way you can br the other team from a long way away without alot of clutter for them to hid behind, it forces the players to have to move inbetween levels and keep the flow of the game up and down. If you really really want to see and feel how an MLG map should be download Blockout, its a perfect remake of Lockout and that map was asymetrical and it worked amazing for mlg.
Based on the questions you're asking, I have to wonder: Have you ever even played MLG? I mean, are you past like, a 10 in the playlist? If not, you should really consider actually getting more experience with MLG settings first, because no matter how much we tell you, you will never be able to effectively create a good MLG map if you don't have any experience with MLG itself.
Sadly he is right, although your MLG rank doesn't matter as much ( i know people that are low 20's in the playlist and can outplay the people I play with 45's in the playlist) you do need to get a grasp on what MLG is and what aspects of a map make it competitive in the MLG gametypes before you even consider making an MLG map.
i no exzactly what mlg is and very good at it i was simple asking a question considering a want to make a large mlg map(one that takes up the entire middle level of sb).
You obviously can't spell for ****, though. It looks like your question has been answered, unless there's something people left out?
if your making your map that big, it better be for CTF and Assault, Slayer on large maps is a pain in the ass especially since there can't be vehicles or equipment in mlg.
U believe you know a good amount about MLG and believe you are very good at it yet you were thinking about warthogs in it? Yeah ok. Also, I honestly think of you as crazy to even think an MLG map in the middle level of sandbox will play well. It is way way to large for it to play well