(**** Zombies) The Night

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by patt06snipe, Apr 18, 2009.


Do you like the new map so far?

  1. Not Good

    2 vote(s)
  2. Ok

    4 vote(s)
  3. Great

    7 vote(s)
  4. Excellent, but doesnt' beat the original

    5 vote(s)
  1. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well i worked things out now. I don't know if I can go on tonight though, but if I do it'll be late, around 9 or 10 P.M. EST
  2. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Ok, well Im not getting on anyways cause I have to do a lot of stuff. Study for AP test and work on another English project.

    Also -- I put a test thread for the map on the tester guild. It is scheduled for this saturday at 4 pm central time. Anyone who wants to test just let me know here or there, it really doesn't matter...just send me a friend request. (xFall3nShaDoWx)
  3. ewren3

    ewren3 Ancient
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    its looks great so far but its hard to tell where the window placement and such by the pictures, i assume that they are made the same way as they are on the map made by master debayter ... some more pics would be nice.
  4. R3pentance

    R3pentance Ancient
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    yer my xbox is back and has been for a few weeks, i added you then. sorry its late but its the first time ive been on all weekend
  5. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    The zombie windows use the same idea but to keep the map in size I used b and a signs. Just run up to the sign and get on the mongoose..same concept.

    Ok man. I'll get on and add you at like 3 central time.
  6. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    This map was amazing after testing. Like the new **** Zombie map, it is enormous and separates the humans. This is an original map and from the game I can tell you put in lots of time and effort. There is nothing much to say because, besides this, it is about as good as the original. So, from what is said on the original, is about equal to this.

    I only have a few problems with this map. One, is a few areas of the map are bumpy and ragged. Such as the random weapon box, but you already said this would be fixed so I'm ok with that. The other is how the weapons aren't on the walls. On the original it felt like **** Zombies not only by looks, but by the weapon placement. The weapons in **** Zombies aren't meant to be laying around, because it is more of an arcade mode, sort of like COD4's after the campaign. If they are off of the wall it is a great map, that feels just like the Last Day, except for the weapons. If this can be fixed before the final version, the quality of this map will greatly increase, and do Judgement honors (even though it already does, even with the issues and fact it's not finished).

    I know it isn't done yet and I'm sure more testing is to happen, but still, congrats on this. Even with the map problems, I still had the same feeling that I had on the original, this IS **** Zombies in Halo 3. Great job. Take your time for the final product.
    #26 Eternal Reconnaissance, May 2, 2009
    Last edited: May 2, 2009
  7. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Wow, thanks man. I really appreciate your concern for the map because like you said, I did spend forever on this map. It has been by far the most complicated map I have ever built. I am glad to see that it has lived up to what I hoped for and that hopefully soon the map can be released for everyone to enjoy.

    Testing went very well yesterday although there were not as many people that played it as I thought there would be. 2 of my friends didn't come for reasons and then there were some guys from the testers guild who weren't on. But other than that it was good; we had 8 people.

    Problems with the map --

    For the bumpy parts, I don't think there is any I can do unless I spend another 2 months on the map, which I won't. Like said before I have spent countless hours trying top perfect everything and get the smoothest feel as possible. Sorry, but those bumps will have to remain.

    The random weapon box like you said was very sloppy, that was because RivalMass did not have a halo 3 disc to build it for me. So, I have taken it apart and layed out the remaining pieces for either RivalMass or MasterDebayter to come and build it like the original. There were a lot of stupid things wrong with the first one; like people jumping into the propane tank chamber or even getting stuck by the grav lift. So hopefully that can be fixed as well.

    For the weapons on the wall I do not know how to get them on there. I have tried to get it but I really don't know how to get the weapons facing the way I want them to. (horizontal) So again I will have to get help for this. Hopefully RivalMass or MasterDebayter can help.


    I am really not sure what to call the map thread when I post it on the casual maps topic. I don't know if I should include **** zombies or Jugement or just The Asylum. I am not really sure what people will know best or what will get people's attention the best. PLEASE anybody help out.
    #27 patt06snipe, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  8. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Hey anytime for the support. I respect the fact that these maps take so long to finish, but the product is worth the wait. And that really goes for this map.

    Yah, I completely understand leaving the few bumps alone. It isn't a problem for the actual gameplay, as it sorta makes the map feel like it has debris, and plus it isn't worth fixing this up for the final product. And the random weapon box will be fixed I know, so I'm not worried about that. As for the weapons on the wall, the map is great without them on the walls, but if they are put on the walls it is more aesthetically pleasing.

    Besides that, your welcome. If there is any more testing, please tell me. I'll try to come and post constructive comments afterwards.

    For the name I would post it as Judgement on the Asylum. Thats what it will be called and that will also help make Judgement more well known.
  9. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Ha k. Yay the bumps don't really matter anyway because when your playn the game you are not focusing on that..you are focusing on staying alive! haha...it gets intense with many people.

    For weapons on the walls..I just did that. They look really good. The only weapons that are not on walls are the Assualt Rifle which is in the cove downstairs, and the BR upstairs; I ran out of weapon holders. All the other weapons are on the walls so it has that **** zombie feeling to it.

    The name -- Ya your right I will name it that when I post. Very nice. As for testing, there will be more of that this weekend bc we will have to make sure everything is perfect for the post.

    I am also working on the random weapon box today; I got the 2 signs where they should be...but it is a yellow sign and a red sign which is different from "The Last Day". Hopefully I can get some more done today later; got to keep studyn for AP test and finish english proj. gay
    #29 patt06snipe, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  10. R3pentance

    R3pentance Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i'll be able to test most of this weekend, i was really busy this past one, soz about that
  11. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Nice, can't wait to see the weapons on the wall, finally. This will really help the map quality and Judgement theme. Good that the random weapon box is in the works. And I'll be on to test this weekend. See ya there.
  12. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Its cool man.

    Ya, I really hope so.

    The random weapon box is complete by the way. Do you want me to put a pic or 2 of it on the thread?
  13. R3pentance

    R3pentance Ancient
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    pics would be nice

    debayter were you saying that microsoft gave u xbl points when you got your xbox broke but the code didnt give you points?
  14. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    It was a problem over Xbox Live, where the points simply vanished off my account (for whatever reason). Either way, it's been resolved and I got the Mythic Maps with the recovered points. I still 850 points left too.
  15. Darkfall55

    Darkfall55 Ancient
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    Map idea name. Hey just trying to help out. May suck to some, might not... just trying to help! How about.... Judgement Night? The Judgement? Nacht De Judenviertal(night of Judgement). i kind of don't like the first 2 ideas because they don't sound very good. I kind of like the last idea because it kind of sounds nice and flowing. Special thank to the English to german dictionary to help me find out how to say judgement in german =D!
  16. R3pentance

    R3pentance Ancient
    Senior Member

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    debayter i got a 1onth code from microsoft and that code accpeted for my friend and it didnt give him anythng, just took he code

    when are w testing this weekend?
  17. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    If we do, then I'll be joining the testing if I'm on. I still have yet to play or view the map in actual game.
  18. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Ya, we are testing this weekend...IDK what time though. I'll let you know dude.
  19. R3pentance

    R3pentance Ancient
    Senior Member

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    okay, yes i have yet to see ts also

    can you give me a day as it is just aout saturday here
  20. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Hey, we might play it today if you are on..idk know what time though, so if ur on I'll invite you. It will be between 1 and 3 central time that I get on. Some friends are coming over again to hang out, so we will most likely get on and invite people to play it.

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