Sniper Hall The map is very basic. It has a safe spot for spawning and the rest of the map is a long hallway with only a few places for cover. Since this is made for sniping the only weapons on the map are 4 beam rifles. The Hallway The Starting Spot/Safe Respawn Zone Center Overview Link to map and also a fun game variant to go along with it: Sniper Hall Map War Map Variant Don't forget to check out my other maps!
first of all, You're pictures are way too small, and You have no download link. To get good sized pics go to, Type in ur GT, click on a photo you want, Copy the BB code, And paste it in ur post. That's all bud. (plus is much easier.) And remember to post a link to your map.
You need a download link for this map. Heres the Rules. From what I can see from the tiny pics, it looks like an okay map, but make the pics bigger by not using the tab for the pic and add more. Thanks.
yeah, sorry. it's pretty obvious to tell but I'm new and this is my first time posting a map ever but thanks for the tips, I'll edit it soon.
There, Good job. Thank you for editing it. It looks much better this way. I think i'll download to see what the map is like. 3.5/5 Not amazing, But for a first map it's good.
For me, and for others to I'm guessing, it's hard to tell what the map looks like. You should really add some more pictures, including an overview, so we can get a better feel for the map. Now if that is the whole map, then more pictures, except the overview, won't be necessary. I'll download this anyways and see what it looks like.
It looks allright, but i would add a roof to the top- you have plenty of cash to create a roof and maybe make the map a little more flarey and show some creativity. I would add grav lifts or something to hold people back so that they cannot go to the other side of the map, like a barrier in the middle of grav lifts.
Uhh sorry but this is pretty much nothing compared to some of the other maps people post here. Absolutely no originality or anything that stands out. I guess it would be fun for 1v1 but any other amount of people wouldn't feel right. Sorry 1/5
2.5 out of 5. I think if its going to be a sniper map you should use the entirety of the crypt with multiple hallways and a sort of conquest nest spawn area for each team instead of the shield doors. Good concept. Needs to be refined.
man sniper hallway... *sighs* I hate to be a downer, but it needs tons of work I wouldnt be entertained in a short hallway like that. This must be 1v1 since 3+ would be spawn kill if 2 players teamed up. 2/5