I want to get better at Gimp but I cant find good renders or don't know what I want to do so I am making this practice shop for me to train. If you want a sig or just want to help me please post a request in this thread. If you want a request fill out in the following format: Code: Render or Stock: Style: Colors: Text: Additional Text: Okay so if you want a sig please fill out the format. If you don't like the sig I make tell me what you want me to improve.
Thats the problem I am not very good so I don't have very much that I have made becuz I don't know what kind of sig I want to do thats why I need people to request sigs so I can Do them to get better but I will post some of the sigs I have made
Do as Plug said. As exciting it may seem to have your very own shop, you won't get customers without having a good reputation for making signatures.
Render or Stock:link Style: Old Westy Style Colors: Brown and Yellow, figure out Shades that work togather Text: STWOW where ever it fits
Style:Modern Street Colors:Blue and white, Text:Ha Ha OWNED! Additional Text: I hope the format right, this is my first time on a sig shop (Or forgehub for that matter). The text is what it will say in the sig right? Thanks bye!
I don't really need a sig but I'll help you out. Render or Stock: Spoiler Link Style: Peaceful? Colors: Similar to the colors of the stock Text: AceOfSpades0707 Additional Text: Paradise (smaller than main text)
Render or Stock: This Style: Cartoony. Just make it look like the Mario picture. Colors: Red, Green, any colors from Mario and Luigi picture supplied above. Text: AmercanPsycho Additional Text: Mario and Luigi Background: Green pipes from Mario games. (I'm sure you know what they look like)
Hello. Here is something simple for you to work with. Stock:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Description: Like an ipod poster, I want the guy on the far right, and he is fully black, and the background color is red. ipod earphones, the cords, and the ipod itself are white. On the bottom right, I want, in white, for it to spell out iSurvive, and in the same font as the ones in the real ipod posters, like these: ipod people - Google Image Search and try to take out that speck near the muzzle of the rocket launcher. ASC671 would be just off the right of his helmet, but not too close. If you can't work with that, I can take my request somewhere else. Also, if you don't like the pic, I have a few backup pics at my diposal. I don't care if Quagmire takes it either. Thanks in advance.
no i think i forgot to post this in the OP but Me an quagmire are working together in this "practice" shop so WE can get better because he needs practice to.