Sticky Arena v.2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by xl PTF Hero lx, Mar 23, 2008.

  1. xl PTF Hero lx

    xl PTF Hero lx Ancient
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    STICKY ARENA v.2 by xl PTF Hero lx

    This is my first ever forge creation that I have chosen to post for others to see. Sticky Arena v.2 is everything that you would expect it to be. It is essentially a map where you dodge a barrage of sticky grenades while trying to stick your opponent. It is not an original idea, however, I feel that the looks to the map are somewhat.

    Sticky Arena v.1 was essentially a steel fenced octagon with 8 sticky spawn points evenly distributed around the arena. Also, turrets, fusion coils, vehicles and other items were placed outside of the arena to make the map look "pretty". However, major problems arised including, arena exits, use of turrets, and players driving warthogs smack dab into the middle of play.

    In Sticky Arena v.2, players start out with a magnum and attempt to stick each other, sticks counting as double points (if using my slayer variant). However, much has changed. After learning how to interlock objects, I created a barrier around the outside of the edge of the arena, lowering the chances of arena exit. On top of all that, I deleted the outside scenery and replaced it with containers which I feel gives the map a better look.

    All in all, it is a rather fun mini-game, and could possibly even brush up your sticking abilities.

    Sticky Arena v.2 Map Variant:
    Sticky Arena v.2 Game Variant:

    In this game variant, players begin with no grenades and magnums (unlimited ammo). They rush for plasma grenades as theyattempt to dodge oncomming ones. Kills such as beat downs, magnum deaths, or deaths by explosions count for 1 point. However, as an incentive to stick your opponent, sticks are worth 2 points. The first player to 50 points wins.


    An overview of the map:

    In case player do exit the arena and can't get back in, use the teleporters:
    A closer look inside of the arena:

  2. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    looks really easy to spawn kill
  3. Nyc xGod of war

    Nyc xGod of war Ancient
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    it looks like you spawn out side you take the tel in, am i right

    IT looks cool!!!
  4. xl PTF Hero lx

    xl PTF Hero lx Ancient
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    No I don't see it easy to spawn kill as there are numerous spawn points located around the entire boarder of the arena. So it's really rather hard to spawn predict where your enemies will spawn. And since these spawn points are around the boarder of the arena, you can't really assassinate someone if they spawn seeing as how their back is almost touching the fencing.

    And no they do not spawn outside of the arena. Otherwise everyone would be all over the place trying to gun each other down ^^. The teleporters are used for players who somehow manage to escape the arena and can not get back in. Just a back up in case the unlikely happens.

    Anyways, thank you very much for the comments. Hope I can scrounge up a few more.
  5. WD911

    WD911 Ancient
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    seen a few in my days
    but this one stands out
    ncie job
  6. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    this looks really well done, the only thing I would recommend is replacing the fence walls with shield doors, that way the plasmas/spikers bounce off, maybe even double shield walls (like stack em) that way all the stickies get used, if you can do that...

    anywho, well done, looks well-made, ill DL and check it out
  7. marquis madness

    marquis madness Ancient
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    nice look for a stick map!

    4/5 for idea, not that original,
    but 5/5 looks of arena!

    maybe try another gametype, such as rocket arena or slatter arena etc.
  8. xl PTF Hero lx

    xl PTF Hero lx Ancient
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    Thanks all for the comments. About the shield door idea, I too thought about doing that. However, I cant really get the shields to look good. I mean, they serve their purpose perfectly, butIt makes the rest of the map look like sh*t. I'll definitely try to incorporate them again though.

    thanks again guys.
  9. sham93

    sham93 Ancient
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    Looks good for nades and spades.

    Add me on XBL sham93 , we can make some sporty maps together?
  10. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    I think the walls should be twice as high so no one grenade jumps out of the map, and you didn't mention if you did anything to make people not just shoot eachother. Other than that it looks like a nice map.
  11. xl PTF Hero lx

    xl PTF Hero lx Ancient
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    Actually, I touched base on both of those topics. Perhaps you missed them. I that as an incentive to not just shoot peopleto get a point, with my game variant sticks are worth duble the points. So ifyour trying to go for a win, attempting sticks is the way to go. So that shouldprevent too much shooting. And as for getting out of the arena, I mentioned two things. First top rim of the arena is an intrlocked bridge barier that stretches about a foot and a half into the arena', air space. This makes it harder for players to jump out of the arena. In the last version, they just knew that if they through a grenade against a fence, they could easily jump out. However, because of the bridge barrier, they would have to look up to aim first and then place a grenade. However, by thetime they do that, it will be toolate for them. Andif that isn't enough, I put concrete barriers aroundthe bridge barrier's rim. Preventing even further the possibility of exiting. And if they still manage to get out, they have teleporters to get themselves back in. Any way thanks for the comment I guess.
  12. TEC: The Elite Connection

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    To make it easier set the beat down/assasination points to 0 or -1 and have starting weapon plasma pistol with no weapon pickup
  13. xl PTF Hero lx

    xl PTF Hero lx Ancient
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    I thought about the plasma pistol start but I didn't want to be like every other sticky dodgeball style game type. I wanted to make a game type like dodgeball or something of that nature, but at the sam time keep it original. I do see what you sayinging about the points though. I probably should put assinations an kills to 0 points and lower sticks to just 1 point and make the target score 25. Goo Idea, I didn;t even think of that. Thanks bro.
  14. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Another idea you could use to help eliminate killing without grenades, is give everyone really quick shield regeneration, so only sticks will be able to kill them.

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