The last temple represents a distant monastary on a lonely desert planet. I have placed it on asthetic maps because i think it looks nice, but it should play well on pretty much any game type (although most have not ben play tested). The main feature of the map is the temple itself which is a huge structure with a 3 story interior. I would have liked to add more structures outside the temple but i ran out of cash and did not want to use a budget glitch due to the fact that i intend to play on the map with large groups/split screen etc. General map overview: (note the man cannon on the small pyramid structure which vaults a brave soldier straight onto the temple roof) Another angle: The flag bearer shows the grand scale of the temple The teleporter leads to a semi collapsed tunnel which serves as a back way in to a well defended temple. The inside of the temple is vast and the pillars supply solid cover in firefights. The Collapsed tunnel can offer a back way in to the temple. Leave it unguarded at your team's peril. LINK TO MAP
Wonderful looking map, very well done, the temple looks very realistic and well made. Nice job. 10/10 and download when my Que empties.
i'll have to say tha this looks refreshing for reasons i dont know yet, but i downloadd it and i cant wait to try it out. my gamertag is whiizzle if you need to get people to test it for other games.5/5. i love the different styles and items that you used to make the map.
This map really doesn't belong in the aesthetics department because aesthetic maps are usually only for looks and gameplay is not serious if it is there.Can you give the recommended gametypes for this map? It seems like only asymmetric games and slayer would work, considering one side is very overpowered. If it is indeed meant for asymmetric game types, then you sir have done a wonderful job. The map itself is beautiful, and the structures are all well built. Great job.
It can potentially be used for symmetrical games (ie I put the relevant markers on) although you are probably right about the balance (not actually play tested it). I have given the attacking side a warthog, a man cannon straight to the roof and a sneaking tunnel to try make things even-ish, but only time will tell if it can be used for symmetrical games. Me and some buddies tried a few asymmetrical scenarios a few minutes ago and its actually quite a fun map and seemed to offer a good balance between attackers/defenders.
Excellent job, especially how realistic the castle looks. Very original map idea too. Structurally it looks quite neat. Very nice job with the entrance to the castle, the two obelisks make the door looks sick!
Looks great, and i like your idea of the collapsed tunnel. To me though it looks like a castle due to the part that looks like a watchtower... I also just love the doors down botttom, i never thought of using those...
Why are all temples/churches/any religious building made on halo christian? lol. They always have giant crosses on the front, i never see a jewish temple, or maybe muslim.
I'm no expert but maybe this would be more of a casual map. But either way, 5/5. The symmetry and interlocking is great. The ideas (such as the tunnel) are great. Overall, this is an exceptional map. Plus it can support many gametypes.