Pyramid V1.0 "A temple built for the Gods. Ascend the temple to become one." Download link: : Halo 3 File Details This is my first ForgeHub submission, hope you guys like it. This is a map made for slayer gametypes, made using Sandbox. Free for all and team slayer are the most fitting modes for this map. Weapons are evenly spread throughout the map, as are the spawnpoints and vehicles. The Pyramid is made up of three levels, connected by teleporters. Those who reach the teleporter at the top of the structure are teleported to the skybox where they "achieve God-like powers", which is actually an Overshield, Gravity Hammer, Energy Sword and Custom Powerup. They are then taken back down to the map. Feedback would be much appreciated for the next version of the map. Thanks all The map as a whole: The red side of the temple, with the entrance: The blue side of the temple, with the ramp leading up the side: The interior crypt: Taking cover from Pyramid defenses: A "God" enters the temple: The heavy armour moves in: The defenders repel the invaders: A Ghost uses the Pyramid as a ramp:
this looks like a very promising map. it is very cool the way you added cover, but made it also an aesthetic(as if it was a broken pillar). the only thing i want to know is- is thre a more complex inside? im sure it is still a good map if not, but you might want to consider(assuming you have some budget left) placing some halls and windind paths doen in the crypt, which i can see is accessible from the pyramid interior. then you could even make it an infection map....maybe 4.6/5 -Prussian Iron
yeah sorry I should've explained the interior layout. The ground level entrance takes you to a passageway that runs around the inside of the whole building. A teleporter takes you to the room which is shown in the screenie and to exit you jump down into the crypt. I was gonna work more on the crypt but hit the item limit
oh awesome! cant wait to try it out unfortunately, i cant play halo 3 for at least until june, and i dont even have the mythics yet so......yeah -Prussian Iron
Looks like an excellent forged pyramid, one of the best I have seen. The pillars for cover look great, as well as the description and the picture of the interior of the pyramid. The tank seems a bit out of place on the map to me, but when I play it, it will probably change. I only have one question: what does the custom power up give you? Does it give you invincibility? Or just a limited amount of time to do whatever you want?
woah there. active camo, overshield, gravity hammer, energy sword, ghost, scorpions, and vast turrets all in one map? major noobiness there. i know you're new to forgehub, but control your use of power weapons. "god powers" are a major no-no. also, is this ffa, team, or one-sided team gameplay? it is very confusing to tell from the post. what gametypes is this equipped for [ea, capture the flag]? what gametype variants is this map equipped for [ea, one flag]. how many people do you recommend on this map? exactly what weapons are placed on the map, and what are their clips and spawn times [a "weapon list works well for this]? are there parts of the map that change for symmetrical [team slayer] or asymmetrical [ffa] gameplay? if your post/map lacks anything in the above paragraph, i advise that you change the post/map so that it includes it in the modified post or v2 of your map. a good map should be equipped for multiple gametypes and have specific stuff for team slayer and ffa slayer.
I like the concept of the map, but as kittuns said, it is extremely over powered. You have an overshield, invis, grav hammer, sword, custom, tank, hornet, and 4 turrets on top of the pyramid in one spot. That is waaaay too much power. The pyramid itself isn't the neatest, but it has a good structure to it. Try interlocking and using different objects for the corners to get it just right. Replace the hornet and scorpion with one warthog, reduce the turrets to one at most, take away two powerups, take away the grav hammer, and you would have a much better weapon setup.
The map is made for slayer variations only, but advantages are gained by holding the structure as it allows for easier access to the most powerful weapons and to the "God" area. I don't see how the God modes should be frowned upon, as it's part of the map. The focus of the map, no matter the gametime, is to reach the top of the Pyramid and collect the best weaponry.
This may be so, but if one team or person gets on top of the pyramid and scoreboard, they are only going to stay there. They can simply camp in the pyramid with all those weapons and powerups, and nobody has a say, really. Thats why "God Mode" is frowned upon in my view.