I am currently in progress of making a map which involes a collapsed section in the upper floor. i dont know how to make it and so are stuck here. If anyone can help would they plz reply. I will update with pics soon.
Okay first of all, don't name it Ruins. It's the most common name used for Sandbox maps. Try to be original by taking another definition of Ruins, or maybe just having it be Ruins but in a different language.. like Latin. Anyway, I don't really know how to help you until you post pics, so hurry and post them and I'll try my best to help.
I know how to do this, I have a map in progress with a collapsed roof but I don't wanna include pictures of it yet. I might use sandbox sketch-up to help you with it.
@ RebornYeti its not going to be called 'Ruins' its just the name of the thread @ kilamanjara14izback could i possibly see the collapsed scetion if i couild
I am creating a sketchup but sure, you can have a preview of the map i suppose, I don't have a mic so ill just invite you and then say my fairwells, or I can give you a picture of the sketchup
Do you want the roof to be accessible via the collapsed debris, or do you just want interesting cover from the roof pieces?