The map idea I have requires that one team of people has 4x overshields, and are supposed to be damaged by exploding fusion coils. The other single individual tries to splatter them with a Wraith as they flee in terror. I don't want the Wraith shots to hurt them, but the Wraith still must be able to damage and kill them with splattering. Is there a way to make Wraith explosions harmless, while allowing it to splatter people on Oddball? The people are only supposed to hold the oddballs in given situations by the way if that was useful information at all. I'd appreciate it if someone could give me a solution because my week is booked, and I won't be able to play Halo for awhile.
I was thinking that splatter damage is determined by a person's damage modifier percentage. Your comment was really helpful, but are there any other solutions in case I'm right?
Well, that is probably your best bet. Although I'm sure you could alter the scoring so if the person in the wraith kills someone with shooting, it will give them minus points.
It's possible to adjust the kills so that you can give negative points to people who kill with weapons? I think that the game treats a kill as a kill by you no matter what form it comes in, but I'll try that out too.
im pretty sure you can just set there damage modifier to 0 though. I think splatters work no matter what
You can set kill to -1 and splatter to +1 if you desire. But supposedly assassinations and splatters always kill no matter the damage modifier, so you probably wont even have to do that.
it's possible to un-turret a Wraith, but not in an actual game, only in forge. Here's a link if you need it.
You obviously don't know too much about the game to not know if you can mess with scoring/splatter damage.
Even if you set someone's health to "invulnerable", they are still prone to assassinations and splatters.
And oddball/bomb/flag melees I think. So if the 0% damage, doesn't work, just make people invincible.